[Lunar-bugs] [Lunar Linux 0000038]: Unable to boot without a root
Lunar bug reports list
lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Thu Jan 5 00:45:21 UTC 2006
The following issue has been CLOSED
Reported By: Stumbles
Assigned To: sofar
Project: Lunar Linux
Issue ID: 38
Category: ISO
Reproducibility: always
Severity: major
Priority: normal
Status: closed
Moonbase Version: 20051118
Core Tools: Lunar
Core Tools Version: 20051118
Resolution: open
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 11-18-2005 20:39 UTC
Last Modified: 01-05-2006 00:45 UTC
Summary: Unable to boot without a root
>From the F1 screen, pressing enter ends up with the summary noted. It
wouldn't be so bad if the "Ok" displayed by the error would take you back
to the F1 screen. Else you have to reboot.
sofar - 11-18-05 20:54
Dennis forgot to tell us that he uses a SCSI only system
Stumbles - 11-18-05 22:08
I don't know what more I could tell you about this. Because once it gets to
that error I cannot drop to a terminal. The *only* thing I can do is
Well I guess more info could have been included.
Get to F1 screen. Press enter. Loads linux and initrd. Press spacebar.
Goes through normal boot up. Detects the HBAs and can see the devices
hanging off them.
The right after translating keyboard I get a Lunar Linux Install/Rescue
CDROM screen and what should be the 1st menu. Instead Unable to boot
without a root. Which it says "OK". Pressing ok does nothing.
sofar - 01-05-06 00:45
fixed in the code, thanks - this indeed looped endlessly.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
11-18-05 20:39 Stumbles New Issue
11-18-05 20:39 Stumbles Moonbase Version => 20051118
11-18-05 20:39 Stumbles Core Tools => Lunar
11-18-05 20:39 Stumbles Core Tools Version => 20051118
11-18-05 20:54 sofar Note Added: 0000041
11-18-05 21:38 Stumbles Note Added: 0000045
11-18-05 21:49 Stumbles Note Edited: 0000045
11-18-05 22:08 Stumbles Note Edited: 0000045
01-05-06 00:45 sofar Status assigned => closed
01-05-06 00:45 sofar Note Added: 0000081
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