[Lunar-bugs] [Lunar Linux 0000053]: An error in /var/lib/lunar/functions/optimize.lunar
Lunar bug reports list
lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Thu Jan 5 00:39:35 UTC 2006
The following issue has been RESOLVED.
Reported By: ccs4ever
Assigned To: sofar
Project: Lunar Linux
Issue ID: 53
Category: lunar
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: resolved
Moonbase Version: 20060104
Core Tools: Lunar
Core Tools Version: 20060101
Resolution: fixed
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 01-04-2006 09:06 UTC
Last Modified: 01-05-2006 00:39 UTC
Summary: An error in /var/lib/lunar/functions/optimize.lunar
There have been repeated errors on my system regarding line 717 or so of
optimize.lunar, in the optimize() function. Part of which was handled from
the previous version with the quoting of the ( ) in the main echo to
/etc/lunar/local/optimizations, however
source /etc/lunar/local/optimizations
Is missing from line 717, after the
if [ -s /etc/lunar/local/optimizations ]
I assume from the comment that that is what developers were going to put,
however under the 'if' is . /etc/lunar/local/optimizations
I just wanted to point this out as I have had to fix this area a few
times, I wish I had pointed out the parentheses earlier, but it seems that
was fixed.
Stumbles - 01-04-06 17:18
Seeing something similar here on 1.6.0-i686-alpha1 after the bash bump.
Here's a typical example of a "lin -c" ;
lin -rc whois
/var/lib/lunar/functions/optimize.lunar: line 663: syntax error near
unexpected token `('
/var/lib/lunar/functions/optimize.lunar: line 663: ` echo ADDON=( None
) >> /etc/lunar/local/optimizations'
+ Reconfiguring "whois"
+ removing all depends for and optional on "whois"
+ adding "required" depends for "whois" on "perl" (on)
+ Spawning download manager
+ download queue: whois
+ starting lin "whois"
Checking dependencies for whois
/var/lib/lunar/functions/optimize.lunar: line 663: syntax error near
unexpected token `('
/var/lib/lunar/functions/optimize.lunar: line 663: ` echo ADDON=( None
) >> /etc/lunar/local/optimizations'
+ downloading module "whois"
+ Skipping download of "whois_4.7.8.tar.gz" (in cache)
/var/lib/lunar/functions/main.lunar: line 286: optimize: command not
Creating /var/log/lunar/compile/whois-4.7.7.bz2
Creating /var/log/lunar/install/whois-4.7.7
Creating /var/log/lunar/md5sum/whois-4.7.7
Creating /var/cache/lunar/whois-4.7.7-.tar.bz2
+ updating lunar state files after module installation
+ module size is 12KB
+ removing installwatch file
+ destroying building dir "/usr/src/whois-4.7.7"
As you can see nothing gets built. I did a diff between this box and
another (bash-3.0) on optimize.lunar and main.lunar none were found.
sofar - 01-05-06 00:39
alread fixed in lunar+theedge-20060101
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
01-04-06 09:06 ccs4ever New Issue
01-04-06 09:06 ccs4ever Moonbase Version => 20060104
01-04-06 09:06 ccs4ever Core Tools => Lunar
01-04-06 09:06 ccs4ever Core Tools Version => 20060101
01-04-06 17:18 Stumbles Note Added: 0000077
01-05-06 00:39 sofar Note Added: 0000078
01-05-06 00:39 sofar Resolution open => fixed
01-05-06 00:39 sofar Status assigned => resolved
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