[Lunar-bugs] [Lunar Linux 0000061]: Include LFTP on ISO
Lunar bug reports list
lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Fri Feb 17 18:47:50 UTC 2006
The following issue has been RESOLVED.
Reported By: Striker
Assigned To: sofar
Project: Lunar Linux
Issue ID: 61
Category: ISO
Reproducibility: N/A
Severity: feature
Priority: normal
Status: resolved
Moonbase Version: 20060208.00
Core Tools: Lunar
Core Tools Version: 20060208
Resolution: fixed
Fixed in Version: 1.6.0 RC release(s)
Date Submitted: 02-08-2006 17:51 UTC
Last Modified: 02-17-2006 18:47 UTC
Summary: Include LFTP on ISO
LFTP was previously included on ISO's and has been invaluable to me in the
past. Many of the features I use are the ability to browse HTTP/SFTP with
FTP-like directories, grabbing several files with the mget command
regardless of the protocol used, download continuation (m?get -c
<arg(s)>), and on-the-fly download speed throttling (set net:limit-rate
Also, the ability to interrupt downloads bash-style (ctrl+z) and move them
to the background to do other tasks and later use fg <task>, is extremely
useful. Another useful feature is viewing remote files via less <file>
without having to download and save them locally (e.g. less README).
Just the broad range of protocols that lftp supports is quite valueable:
ftp, ftps, http, https, hftp, fish, sftp, and file. LFTP also supports
proxies, which can be useful if a person needs to SCP a file from behind a
corporate firewall with a proxy only.
sofar - 02-17-06 18:47
wish granted ;^)
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
02-08-06 17:51 Striker New Issue
02-08-06 17:51 Striker Moonbase Version => 20060208.00
02-08-06 17:51 Striker Core Tools => Lunar
02-08-06 17:51 Striker Core Tools Version => 20060208
02-17-06 18:47 sofar Status assigned => resolved
02-17-06 18:47 sofar Fixed in Version => 1.6.0 RC release(s)
02-17-06 18:47 sofar Resolution open => fixed
02-17-06 18:47 sofar Note Added: 0000109
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