
Carl R. Powers powers at
Sat Jun 19 18:08:17 GMT 2004

OK, guys.  What did you do?

Started lunar update (with autoprune enabled) last night and went home. 
One of the packages to be updated was openoffice.

Came in this morning to find the following:

Failed updated modules:  openoffice-bin

lvu can't find openoffice-bin in moonbase or installed.

The installed openoffice-bin (1.1.1b) is gone as are the spool and
cache copies.

Did it just get renamed / moved / or was I screwed? 

I just donloaded a new moonbase and openoffice is back, so I'l
try a fresh install, but this is not fun with a dialup connection.


Carl Powers
<powers at><powers at>

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