distrowatch script massively outdated and mostly out of sync with Lunar

Auke Kok auke at foo-projects.org
Wed Jul 13 06:25:09 CEST 2011

On 07/12/2011 03:07 PM, Zbigniew Luszpinski wrote:
> Hi,
> distrowatch script is out of sync with Lunar's moonbase. We do hard work
> keeping Lunar up to date and this sleepy head who maintains distrowatch
> script does nothing.

oh for crying out loud, you're just begging to get attention again.

is it relevant? does it mean that lunar is more up to date if we keep 
the always-out-of-date distrowatch mapping up to date?

does distrowatch actually TELL US when they update the mapping? no.

should distrowatch do the unmapping themselves in the first place? YES.

if we don't update the mapping, does distrowatch insert garbage into 
their website? YES

I've had enough of this garbage. If distrowatch wants to track distro's, 
they need to do the tracking themselves, he's already running all the 
tools needed to mass-update their database and change the X:Y mapping 
for all distro's at once.

> How about downgrading/removing all those modules
> below to their old versions (not) present in distrowatch as a way of
> protest. I wrote few times here already that distrowatch script is out of
> sync - no answer. Maybe the lack of mesa-lib or xz will wake him up.

oh, you woke me up allright.

I've rewritten the extract-moonbase-for-ladislav script so that it does 

- output one line per module, containing $MODULE^$VERSION
- if it's not in our package list, it's not in the file
- there is no mapping table. Good luck to distrowatch keeping their own 
mapping table instead.
- the list isn't sorted in any reasonable way whatsoever

so, it's up to distrowatch themselves whether to decide to grep for 
firefox5 or firefox. I'm not going to play that game anymore.

If you don't like it, bitch to distrowatch to fix their end. I'm done 
playing games with distrowatch.


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