usleep from coreutils != usleep from redhat

Terry Chan tpchan at
Thu Oct 30 10:05:56 GMT 2003

Never mind, I see now the usleep patch to coreutils that you are referring to.
All of my coreutils were compiled before sofar added the usleep patch.

Maybe as sofar why he felt it was necessary to patch coreutils?  I've been
running for a half-year with no usleep and haven't noticed it yet.

Terry Chan
On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 04:12:07PM +0100, Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> Ok, 
> usleep from coreutils sleeps for a number of _milliseconds_ instead of
> microseconds. That sounds too silly to be true, but it is (imagine
> writing a utility that basically just calls 'usleep(arg * 1000)', and
> still calling it usleep ...).
> So, what should I do? Remove it from coreutils (it's a special patch,
> anyway) and put back the redhat one, changing the patch, or update the
> scripts?
> We can't have two usleep binaries doing different things.
> 	Jasper

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