usleep from coreutils != usleep from redhat

Terry Chan tpchan at
Thu Oct 30 10:00:30 GMT 2003

man usleep says is sleeps for MICROseconds on my lunar box.  I also have
no usleep binary from coreutils-5.0 and I have no RH garbage on any of my
lunar boxes.

Where does the usleep binary you are referring to come from ?

Terry Chan
On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 04:12:07PM +0100, Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> Ok, 
> usleep from coreutils sleeps for a number of _milliseconds_ instead of
> microseconds. That sounds too silly to be true, but it is (imagine
> writing a utility that basically just calls 'usleep(arg * 1000)', and
> still calling it usleep ...).
> So, what should I do? Remove it from coreutils (it's a special patch,
> anyway) and put back the redhat one, changing the patch, or update the
> scripts?
> We can't have two usleep binaries doing different things.
> 	Jasper

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