[Lunar-bugs] [bug] lvu bash completion

Lunar bug reports list lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Sat May 7 20:52:24 UTC 2005

 Project:      lunar-linux
 Version:      <none>
 Component:    lunar (core tools)
 Category:     bug reports
 Priority:     minor
-Assigned to:  <unassigned>
+Assigned to:  sofar
 Reported by:  bramble
 Updated by:   sofar
-Status:       active
+Status:       fixed

the 'bash-completion.rc' file is obsolete. please remove it. The
lunar.rc or theedge.rc files should provide you with the proper data,
although these may be out of date. If you can, just send us an updated
theedge.rc, which is the file we keep up2date the most.


Previous comments:

Sat, 05/07/2005 - 20:43 : bramble

I noticed that some of the bash completion options for lvu were wrong.
Here's my list (it could be missing some, but according to the docs and
lvu's output they seem to be OK):

POST_REMOVE PRE_BUILD PRE_REMOVE activity alien cd compile compiler
depends eert exiled export from held html import info install installed
leafs leert links maintainer md5sum newer older orphans pam search
section service short size sources stree submit sum tree updatelog urls
version versions voyeur website what where

Also, the completion stuff in '/etc/profile.d/bash-completion.rc' is
overridden in '/etc/profile.d/lunar.rc'. I'm not sure which is meant to
be the correct version, but they're different. 

View: http://lunar-linux.org/?q=node/view/841
Edit: http://lunar-linux.org/?q=project/comments/add/841

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