[Lunar-bugs] [bug] kino - kino-jogshuttle and usb.usermap placement

lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Thu Mar 3 02:59:56 UTC 2005

 Project:      lunar-linux
 Version:      <none>
 Component:    moonbase (modules)
 Category:     bug reports
 Priority:     normal
 Assigned to:  <unassigned>
 Reported by:  dveatch
 Updated by:   dveatch
 Status:       active
 Attachment:   http://lunar-linux.org/files/issues/kino-0.7.1.bz2 (5.37 KB)

The BUILD specifies;


but the install places "kino-jogshuttle" in;


instead of 


and puts "usb.usermap" in;


instead of;


Actually I think the later should be appended to any exiting
usb.usermap that may be present in /etc/hotplug



  ./configure  --sysconfdir=/etc        \
               --prefix=/usr            \
               --mandir=/usr/share/man  \
	       --localstatedir=/var     \
	       $OPTS                    &&

  sedit "s/CFLAGS = -O2/CFLAGS = $CFLAGS/" Makefile       &&
  sedit "s/CXXFLAGS = -O2/CXXFLAGS = $CXXFLAGS/" Makefile &&


) > $C_FIFO 2>&1

I cannot seem to figure out why this is happening.


View: http://lunar-linux.org/?q=node/view/745
Edit: http://lunar-linux.org/?q=project/comments/add/745

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