[Bug-report] [Lunar Linux 0000305]: Bug in qt-x11

bug-reports at lunar-linux.org bug-reports at lunar-linux.org
Wed Jun 18 18:30:28 GMT 2003

Acest bug a fost INCHIS.
Reporter:                   Wuss912
Tratat de:                  florin
Proiect:                    Lunar Linux
ID bug:                     0000305
Categorie:                  base
Reproductibilitate:         totdeauna
Severitate:                 blocant
Prioritate:                 normala
Stare:                      inchis
Data Creatie:               2003-06-17 20:52 GMT
Modificat:                  2003-06-18 18:30 GMT
Sumar:                      Bug in qt-x11
it dosent install anything except the docs and man pages
there is no /opt/lunar/qt/2 dir created so anything that depends on qt-x11

 florin - 2003-06-18 17:57 GMT 
i have tried this BUILD file, and the install worked just fine. i just
added a make install line. i have commited the fix in the CVS.


  export  QT2INSTALL=/opt/lunar/qt/2

  sedit "s/-O2/$CXXFLAGS/"  'configs/linux-g++-shared'  &&

  echo  "yes"  |  ./configure  -release            \
                               -shared             \
                               -thread             \
                               -gif                \
                               -system-libmng      \
                               -system-libpng      \
                               -system-jpeg        \
                               -system-zlib        \
                               -no-g++-exceptions  \
                               -no-xft             \
                               $OPTS               &&
  make                                             &&
  prepare_install                                  &&
  make install                                     &&                     
                                  <--------- added that line
  mkdir  -p                $QT2INSTALL/include     &&
  cp         include/*     $QT2INSTALL/include     &&
  cp     -r  lib           $QT2INSTALL             &&
  cp     -r  bin           $QT2INSTALL             &&
  cp     -r  doc/man       $QT2INSTALL             &&
  mkdir  -p                $DOCUMENT_DIRECTORY/qt2 &&
  cp     -r  doc/html      $DOCUMENT_DIRECTORY/qt2

  if ! grep -q "/opt/lunar/qt/2/lib" /etc/ld.so.conf; then
    echo "/opt/lunar/qt/2/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf  

) > $C_FIFO 2>&1

modificat la: 06-18 17:46

modificat la: 06-18 17:48

modificat la: 06-18 17:57

 florin - 2003-06-18 18:29 GMT 
i have added a 
                     make install &&
line after the 
                     prepare_install &&
one. the module building worked just fine after that.

 florin - 2003-06-18 18:30 GMT 
commit the fix in cvs.

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