weekly news - 20200731

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Jul 31 12:35:32 CEST 2020


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (3)
    dmenu-rs-5.4.0: A suckless dynamic menu for X
  shellcaster-0.8.2: ncurses-based TUI podcast manager
  wireplumber-0.3.0: Session/policy manager implementation for PipeWire

New versions: (42)
  asciidoc                :          8.6.10 ->           9.0.2
  Botan                   :          2.14.0 ->          2.15.0
  broot                   :          0.18.6 ->          0.19.3
  cbindgen                :          0.14.1 ->          0.14.3
  conmon                  :          2.0.19 ->          2.0.20
  dunst                   :           1.4.1 ->           1.5.0
  enlightenment           :          0.24.1 ->          0.24.2
  firefox                 :          78.0.2 ->            79.0
  firefox-bin             :          78.0.2 ->            79.0
  geoip-database          :        20200609 ->        20200721
  git                     :          2.27.0 ->          2.28.0
  harfbuzz                :           2.6.8 ->           2.7.0
  i3-gaps                 :          4.18.1 ->          4.18.2
  i3lock-color            :        2.12.c.4 ->        2.12.c.5
  janet                   :          1.11.0 ->          1.11.1
  leptonica               :          1.79.0 ->          1.80.0
  lf                      :             r14 ->             r15
  libbytesize             :             2.3 ->             2.4
  libqalculate            :          3.11.0 ->          3.12.0
  libqmi                  :          1.26.0 ->          1.26.2
  LibRaw                  :          0.19.5 ->          0.20.0
  mpg123                  :          1.26.1 ->          1.26.2
  node                    :          14.6.0 ->          14.7.0
  nspr                    :            4.26 ->            4.27
  nss                     :            3.54 ->            3.55
  open-iscsi              :           2.1.1 ->           2.1.2
  openmp                  :          10.0.0 ->          10.0.1
  pipewire                :           0.3.6 ->           0.3.8
  podman                  :           2.0.2 ->           2.0.3
  postfix                 :           3.5.4 ->           3.5.6
  python2-cffi            :          1.14.0 ->          1.14.1
  python-cffi             :          1.14.0 ->          1.14.1
  qalculate-gtk           :          3.11.0 ->          3.12.0
  recode                  :           3.7.6 ->           3.7.7
  Sigil                   :           1.2.1 ->           1.3.0
  skopeo                  :           1.1.0 ->           1.1.1
  terminology             :           1.7.0 ->           1.8.0
  vala                    :          0.48.7 ->          0.48.8
  webkit2gtk3             :          2.28.2 ->          2.28.4
  wofi                    :          v1.1.2 ->          v1.2.1
  xfwm4                   :          4.14.2 ->          4.14.3
  xxHash                  :           0.7.4 ->           0.8.0


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