weekly news - 20200724

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Jul 24 12:35:31 CEST 2020


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (16)
      bbswitch-0.8: Kernel module allowing to switch dedicated graphics card
         boxes-1.3: ext mode box and comment drawing filter
   bumblebee-3.2.1: NVIDIA Optimus support for Linux through VirtualGL
  Data-Validate-IP-0.27: IPv4 and IPv6 validation methods
       dmenufm-1.3: A simple file manager using dmenu
          entr-4.6: Run arbitrary commands when files change
      Ipopt-3.13.2: large-scale nonlinear optimization
         lcov-1.14: graphical gcov front-end
            lf-r14: A terminal file manager inspired by ranger
     libcerf-v1.13: provides efficient and accurate implementation of complex error f
      liburing-0.7: Linux-native io_uring I/O access library
   primus-20151110: Faster OpenGL offloading for Bumblebee
  python-pywal-3.3.0: Generate and change colorschemes on the fly
  python-setuptools_scm-4.1.2: andles managing your python package versions in scm metadata
    r8168-8.048.03: A kernel module for Realtek 8168 network cards
        vmaf-1.5.2: Perceptual video quality assessment algorithm

Removed modules: (6)

New versions: (188)
  ack                     :          v3.3.1 ->          v3.4.0
  acpica-unix             :        20200528 ->        20200717
  alsa-lib                : ->
  ampache-browser         :           1.0.1 ->           1.0.2
  aqbanking               :           6.1.4 ->           6.2.1
  avahi                   :             0.7 ->             0.8
  bashtop                 :          0.9.12 ->          0.9.24
  bind                    :          9.17.2 ->          9.16.5
  bind-utils              :          9.17.2 ->          9.16.5
  bison                   :           3.5.4 ->           3.6.4
  bridge-utils            :             1.6 ->             1.7
  broot                   :          0.18.0 ->          0.18.6
  btrfs-progs             :           5.6.1 ->             5.7
  calibre                 :          4.20.0 ->          4.21.0
  calligra                :           3.2.0 ->           3.2.1
  ccache                  :           3.7.8 ->          3.7.10
  cfitsio                 :            3.47 ->            3.48
  check                   :          0.13.0 ->          0.15.0
  clamav                  :         0.102.3 ->         0.102.4
  claws-mail              :          3.17.5 ->          3.17.6
  cmake                   :          3.17.3 ->          3.18.0
  compiler-rt             :          10.0.0 ->          10.0.1
  conmon                  :          2.0.18 ->          2.0.19
  convertall              :           0.7.5 ->           0.8.0
  cryptsetup              :           2.3.2 ->           2.3.3
  curl                    :          7.71.0 ->          7.71.1
  cython                  :         0.29.20 ->         0.29.21
  cython2                 :         0.29.20 ->         0.29.21
  dash                    :          0.5.11 ->
  ddclient                :           3.9.0 ->           3.9.1
  dhcpcd                  :           9.0.2 ->           9.1.4
  dialog                  :    1.3-20200228 ->    1.3-20200327
  digikam                 :        6.4.0-03 ->           7.0.0
  elfutils                :           0.179 ->           0.180
  elixir                  :          1.10.3 ->          1.10.4
  ethtool                 :             5.6 ->             5.7
  exempi                  :           2.5.1 ->           2.5.2
  ffmpeg                  :             4.3 ->           4.3.1
  file                    :            5.38 ->            5.39
  firefox                 :          77.0.1 ->          78.0.2
  firefox-bin             :          77.0.1 ->          78.0.2
  flat-remix-gtk          :        20191224 ->        20200718
  fluidsynth              :           2.1.2 ->           2.1.4
  fping                   :             4.0 ->             4.3
  freerdp                 :           2.1.2 ->           2.2.0
  fribidi                 :           1.0.9 ->          1.0.10
  glib-2                  :          2.64.2 ->          2.64.4
  gnu-efi                 :           3.0.3 ->          3.0.12
  gnupg                   :          2.2.20 ->          2.2.21
  gnuplot                 :           5.2.7 ->           5.4.0
  go                      :          1.14.4 ->          1.14.6
  gpgme                   :          1.13.1 ->          1.14.0
  gradle                  :             6.5 ->           6.5.1
  gutenprint              :           5.3.1 ->           5.3.3
  help2man                :         1.47.15 ->         1.47.16
  iana-etc                :        20200624 ->        20200720
  ideviceinstaller        :           1.1.0 ->           1.1.1
  ImageMagick             :       7.0.10-22 ->       7.0.10-24
  intel-tbb               :          2020.2 ->          2020.3
  inxi                    :        3.1.03-1 ->        3.1.04-1
  iproute2                :           5.6.0 ->           5.7.0
  iptables                :           1.8.4 ->           1.8.5
  iputils                 :       s20180629 ->       s20190709
  janet                   :          1.10.0 ->          1.11.0
  jasper                  :          2.0.16 ->          2.0.17
  kickshaw                : 1.0.28_GTK3_source_only -> 1.0.31_GTK3_source_only
  kio-fuse                :          4.90.0 ->          4.95.0
  kstars                  :           3.4.2 ->           3.4.3
  Kvantum                 :          0.15.3 ->          0.16.0
  libcap                  :            2.31 ->            2.37
  libevent                :          2.1.11 ->          2.1.12
  libgcrypt               :           1.8.5 ->           1.8.6
  libgpg-error            :            1.36 ->            1.38
  libideviceactivation    :           1.1.0 ->           1.1.1
  libmodplug              : ->
  libmpdclient            :            2.18 ->            2.19
  libnftnl                :           1.1.6 ->           1.1.7
  libosinfo               :           1.7.1 ->           1.8.0
  librelp                 :          1.2.16 ->           1.6.0
  librsvg                 :          2.48.7 ->          2.48.8
  libslirp                :           4.3.0 ->           4.3.1
  libsmbios               :           2.4.2 ->           2.4.3
  libutempter             :           1.2.0 ->           1.2.1
  libuv                   :          1.37.0 ->          1.38.1
  libvirt                 :           6.4.0 ->           6.5.0
  libvorbis               :           1.3.6 ->           1.3.7
  libwacom                :             1.4 ->           1.4.1
  linux-lts               :          5.4.49 ->          5.4.53
  live555                 :      2020.04.24 ->      2020.07.09
  lld                     :          10.0.0 ->          10.0.1
  llvm                    :          10.0.0 ->          10.0.1
  logrotate               :          3.16.0 ->          3.17.0
  lua                     :           5.3.5 ->           5.4.0
  mailman                 :          2.1.33 ->          2.1.34
  mc                      :          4.8.24 ->          4.8.25
  mercurial               :           5.4.1 ->           5.4.2
  mesa-lib                :          20.1.3 ->          20.1.4
  meson                   :          0.54.2 ->          0.54.3
  monit                   :          5.26.0 ->          5.27.0
  mpd                     :         0.21.24 ->         0.21.25
  mpdecimal               :           2.4.2 ->           2.5.0
  mutt                    :          1.14.5 ->          1.14.6
  nano                    :           4.9.2 ->           4.9.3
  nasm                    :         2.14.02 ->         2.15.02
  ndctl                   :              68 ->              69
  netdata                 :         v1.23.0 ->         v1.23.2
  netpbm                  :        10.73.31 ->        10.73.32
  nginx                   :          1.19.0 ->          1.19.1
  nim                     :           1.2.2 ->           1.2.4
  nnn                     :             3.2 ->             3.3
  node                    :          14.4.0 ->          14.6.0
  npm                     :          6.14.5 ->          6.14.7
  nss                     :            3.52 ->            3.54
  ntp                     :        4.2.8p14 ->        4.2.8p15
  opencv                  :           4.3.0 ->           4.4.0
  openssh                 :           8.2p1 ->           8.3p1
  osinfo-db               :        20200515 ->        20200529
  osinfo-db-tools         :           1.7.0 ->           1.8.0
  peco                    :           0.5.7 ->           0.5.8
  perl                    :          5.30.2 ->          5.32.0
  php                     :           7.4.7 ->           7.4.8
  pkgconf                 :           1.6.3 ->           1.7.3
  plasma                  :          5.18.8 ->          5.19.3
  podman                  :           2.0.1 ->           2.0.2
  poppler                 :          0.88.0 ->          0.90.1
  popt                    :            1.16 ->            1.18
  powertop                :            2.12 ->            2.13
  protobuf                :          3.12.0 ->          3.12.3
  pstoedit                :            3.74 ->            3.75
  python                  :           3.8.3 ->           3.8.4
  python2-idna            :             2.7 ->            2.10
  python2-lxml            :           4.5.1 ->           4.5.2
  python2-regex           :        2020.6.8 ->       2020.7.14
  python2-urllib3         :          1.25.9 ->         1.25.10
  python-idna             :             2.7 ->            2.10
  python-lxml             :           4.5.1 ->           4.5.2
  python-numpy            :          1.19.0 ->          1.19.1
  python-pbr              :           5.1.1 ->           5.4.5
  python-regex            :        2020.6.8 ->       2020.7.14
  python-setuptools       :          46.4.0 ->          49.1.2
  python-urllib3          :          1.25.9 ->         1.25.10
  python-wcwidth          :           0.2.4 ->           0.2.5
  qca2                    :           2.3.0 ->           2.3.1
  quazip                  :           0.8.1 ->           0.9.1
  re2                     :      2020-06-01 ->      2020-07-06
  rkward                  :           0.7.1 ->          0.7.1b
  rsync                   :           3.2.1 ->           3.2.2
  rsyslog                 :        8.1904.0 ->        8.2006.0
  runc                    :      1.0.0-rc90 ->      1.0.0-rc91
  rustc                   :          1.44.1 ->          1.45.0
  samba                   :          4.12.3 ->          4.12.5
  scrot                   :             1.3 ->             1.4
  semantik                :           1.2.4 ->           1.2.5
  setconf                 :           0.7.6 ->           0.7.7
  slirp4netns             :           1.1.1 ->           1.1.4
  socat                   : ->
  Sphinx                  :           3.1.1 ->           3.1.2
  spice-protocol          :          0.14.1 ->          0.14.2
  sshuttle                :          0.78.5 ->           1.0.3
  starship                :          0.42.0 ->          0.44.0
  sudo                    :           1.9.1 ->           1.9.2
  sway                    :             1.4 ->             1.5
  syslog-ng               :          3.27.1 ->          3.28.1
  sysvinit                :            2.96 ->            2.97
  texstudio-qt5           :         2.12.16 ->         2.12.22
  thunderbird             :          68.8.1 ->            78.0
  thunderbird-bin         :          68.9.0 ->          78.0.1
  TimeDate                :            2.32 ->            2.33
  tulip                   :           5.3.0 ->           5.4.0
  udisks2-qt5             :           5.0.0 ->           5.0.3
  unrtf                   :          0.21.9 ->         0.21.10
  usb-modeswitch          :           2.6.0 ->           2.6.1
  usbmuxd                 :           1.1.0 ->           1.1.1
  util-linux              :          2.35.1 ->          2.35.2
  valgrind                :          3.15.0 ->          3.16.1
  vlc                     :          3.0.10 ->          3.0.11
  Vulkan-Headers          :         1.2.132 ->         1.2.148
  watchexec               :          1.13.1 ->          1.14.0
  weechat                 :             2.8 ->             2.9
  wine                    :            5.11 ->            5.12
  wireshark               :           3.2.4 ->           3.2.5
  wlroots                 :          0.10.0 ->          0.11.0
  x264-snapshot           :   20191113-2245 ->   20191217-2245
  xalan-c                 :            1.11 ->            1.12
  xev                     :           1.2.3 ->           1.2.4
  xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin:           2.4.4 ->           2.4.5
  yaml                    :           0.2.4 ->           0.2.5
  you-get                 :        0.4.1432 ->        0.4.1456

Moved modules:
  guile-1                 :    other/crater ->     other/devel


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