weekly news - 20190510

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri May 10 12:35:43 CEST 2019


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (5)
   epiphany-3.32.2: GNOME Web browser based on Gecko (Mozilla)
          fd-7.3.0: Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
  linux-lts-4.19.41: The core of a Linux GNU Operating System
  python-configobj-5.0.6: Simple but powerful config file reader and writer for Python
  vimix-icon-theme-2019-05-04: Fresh and simple personality icon theme

New versions: (61)
  ack                     :            2.24 ->            2.28
  binutils                :          2.31.1 ->            2.32
  ccache                  :             3.6 ->           3.7.1
  cracklib                :           2.9.6 ->           2.9.7
  dhcpcd                  :           7.1.0 ->           7.2.1
  evolution               :          3.32.1 ->          3.32.2
  firefox-bin             :          66.0.3 ->          66.0.5
  flat-remix-gtk          :        20190425 ->        20190503
  flat-remix-icon-theme   :        20190427 ->        20190503
  gcc                     :           8.2.0 ->           8.3.0
  geany                   :            1.34 ->            1.35
  gjs                     :          1.56.1 ->          1.56.2
  glibc                   :            2.28 ->            2.29
  gn                      : 0.1490.df15af47 -> 0.1568.c599fdbb
  gnome-desktop           : ->          3.32.2
  gnome-terminal          :          3.32.1 ->          3.32.2
  iana-etc                :        20190415 ->        20190504
  ImageMagick             :        7.0.8-43 ->        7.0.8-44
  jasper                  :          2.0.14 ->          2.0.16
  kotlin                  :          1.3.30 ->          1.3.31
  krb5                    :          1.16.1 ->          1.16.2
  libaio                  :         0.3.111 ->         0.3.112
  libedit                 :    20181209-3.1 ->    20190324-3.1
  libgda                  :           5.2.8 ->           5.2.9
  libgsf                  :         1.14.44 ->         1.14.46
  libvirt                 :           5.2.0 ->           5.3.0
  libwww-perl             :            6.38 ->            6.39
  man-pages               :            5.00 ->            5.01
  meson                   :          0.49.2 ->          0.50.1
  mlt                     :          6.14.0 ->          6.16.0
  mongodb                 :           3.4.2 ->           4.0.5
  mpfr                    :           4.0.1 ->           4.0.2
  mutter                  :          3.32.0 ->          3.32.1
  nautilus                :          3.32.0 ->          3.32.1
  nim                     :          0.19.0 ->          0.19.4
  openssh                 :           7.9p1 ->           8.0p1
  perl                    :          5.28.1 ->          5.28.2
  poppler                 :          0.73.0 ->          0.76.1
  postgresql              :            11.2 ->            11.3
  PyQt5                   :          5.12.1 ->          5.12.2
  python2-sip             :         4.19.16 ->         4.19.17
  python2-twisted         :          18.9.0 ->          19.2.0
  python-parso            :           0.3.3 ->           0.4.0
  python-setuptools       :          40.9.0 ->          41.0.1
  python-sip              :         4.19.16 ->         4.19.17
  python-twisted          :          18.9.0 ->          19.2.0
  qemu                    :           3.1.0 ->           4.0.0
  qutebrowser             :           1.6.1 ->           1.6.2
  sardi-icons             :          9.6-22 ->           9.7-1
  spl                     :          0.7.12 ->          0.7.13
  squid                   :             4.6 ->             4.7
  swayidle                :             1.2 ->             1.3
  swaylock                :             1.3 ->             1.4
  unifont                 :         10.0.07 ->         12.0.01
  v4l-utils               :          1.16.5 ->          1.16.6
  variety                 :           0.7.1 ->           0.7.2
  vte3                    :          0.56.2 ->          0.56.3
  xfsprogs                :          4.19.0 ->           5.0.0
  yelp-tools              :          3.32.0 ->          3.32.1
  zfs                     :          0.7.12 ->          0.7.13
  zfs-utils               :          0.7.12 ->          0.7.13


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