weekly news - 20190503

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri May 3 12:35:38 CEST 2019


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (2)
          st-0.8.2: A simple virtual terminal emulator for X
        vnstat-2.2: A console-based network traffic monitor

New versions: (31)
  antlr                   :           4.7.1 ->           4.7.2
  bitcoin                 :          0.17.1 ->          0.18.0
  dovecot                 : ->           2.3.6
  elogind                 :           241.2 ->           241.3
  flat-remix-gtk          :        20190414 ->        20190425
  flat-remix-icon-theme   :        20190413 ->        20190427
  fontforge               :        20190317 ->        20190413
  fonttools               :             2.5 ->          3.40.0
  ghc                     :           8.6.3 ->           8.6.5
  gjs                     :          1.56.0 ->          1.56.1
  glib-networking         :          2.60.1 ->          2.60.2
  gtksourceview           :         3.24.10 ->           4.2.0
  hostapd                 :             2.7 ->             2.8
  ImageMagick             :        7.0.8-42 ->        7.0.8-43
  inxi                    :        3.0.33-1 ->        3.0.34-1
  ipython                 :           7.3.0 ->           7.5.0
  libjpeg-turbo           :           2.0.1 ->           2.0.2
  libwacom                :            0.32 ->            0.33
  netdata                 :         v1.13.0 ->         v1.14.0
  node                    :         11.14.0 ->          12.1.0
  php                     :           7.3.4 ->           7.3.5
  py3status               :            3.18 ->            3.19
  python2-urllib3         :          1.25.1 ->          1.25.2
  python-urllib3          :          1.25.1 ->          1.25.2
  R                       :           3.5.3 ->           3.6.0
  rsyslog                 :          8.40.0 ->        8.1904.0
  rustc                   :      1.34.0-src ->      1.34.1-src
  tmux                    :             2.9 ->            2.9a
  unrar                   :           5.7.4 ->           5.7.5
  uriparser               :           0.9.2 ->           0.9.3
  wine                    :             4.6 ->             4.7

Moved modules:
  aterm                   :  other/terminal ->    other/crater
  mysql                   :       other/sql ->    other/crater
  mysql-workbench-gpl     :       other/sql ->    other/crater


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