weekly news - 20190308

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Mar 8 12:35:27 CET 2019


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New versions: (32)
  at-spi2-atk             :          2.30.0 ->          2.30.1
  at-spi2-core            :          2.30.0 ->          2.30.1
  Date-Manip              :            6.75 ->            6.76
  dovecot                 : ->           2.3.5
  gdk-pixbuf              :          2.38.0 ->          2.38.1
  ibus                    :          1.5.19 ->          1.5.20
  ImageMagick             :       6.9.10-28 ->       6.9.10-30
  krita                   :           4.1.7 ->           4.1.8
  libqmi                  :          1.22.0 ->          1.22.2
  libreoffice-bin         :           6.2.0 ->           6.2.1
  libsecret               :          0.18.7 ->          0.18.8
  libvirt                 :           5.0.0 ->           5.1.0
  libvpx                  :           1.7.0 ->           1.8.0
  mailutils               :             3.5 ->             3.6
  man-pages               :            4.16 ->            5.00
  monit                   :          5.25.2 ->          5.25.3
  ncdu                    :            1.13 ->            1.14
  nnn                     :            v2.2 ->            v2.3
  node                    :         11.10.0 ->         11.10.1
  php                     :           7.3.2 ->           7.3.3
  python2-lxml            :           4.3.1 ->           4.3.2
  python-jedi             :          0.13.2 ->          0.13.3
  python-lxml             :           4.3.1 ->           4.3.2
  qt-creator              : opensource-src-4.8.1 -> opensource-src-4.8.2
  re2                     :      2019-01-01 ->      2019-03-01
  rustc                   :      1.32.0-src ->      1.33.0-src
  thunderbird-bin         :          60.5.1 ->          60.5.3
  totem-pl-parser         :          3.26.2 ->          3.26.3
  tracker                 :           2.2.0 ->           2.2.1
  vala                    :          0.42.5 ->          0.42.6
  webkit2gtk3             :          2.22.6 ->          2.22.7
  wireless-regdb          :      2018.10.24 ->      2019.03.01

Moved modules:
  atk                     :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  atkmm                   :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  at-spi2-atk             :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  at-spi2-core            :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  glibmm                  :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  gtkmm                   :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  gtk-vnc                 :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  jpilot                  :  other/x11-apps ->    other/crater
  keybinder               :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  keybinder3              :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  libunique-3             :      other/libs ->     gnome3/libs
  vala                    : other/compilers ->     gnome3/core
  xournal                 :  other/x11-apps ->    other/crater


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