weekly news - 20190301

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Mar 1 12:35:30 CET 2019


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (1)
  gnome-common-3.18.0: Common development macros for GNOME

Removed modules: (1)

New versions: (133)
  attica                  :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  baloo                   :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  bind                    :          9.13.6 ->          9.13.7
  bind-utils              :          9.13.6 ->          9.13.7
  blueman                 :           2.0.7 ->           2.0.8
  bluez-qt                :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  breeze-icons            :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  Carp-Clan               :            6.04 ->            6.07
  Clone                   :            0.39 ->            0.41
  cmus                    :           2.7.1 ->           2.8.0
  conky                   :          1.11.2 ->          1.11.3
  CPAN                    :          1.9800 ->            2.22
  Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum    :            0.06 ->            0.09
  Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA       :            0.28 ->            0.31
  cython                  :          0.29.5 ->          0.29.6
  cython2                 :          0.29.5 ->          0.29.6
  Date-Manip              :            6.73 ->            6.75
  DateTime-TimeZone       :            2.20 ->            2.21
  dialog                  :    1.3-20181107 ->    1.3-20190211
  dspam                   :           3.9.0 ->          3.10.2
  extra-cmake-modules     :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  file                    :            5.35 ->            5.36
  firefox-bin             :            65.0 ->          65.0.2
  frameworkintegration    :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  gdm                     :          3.30.2 ->          3.30.3
  git                     :          2.20.1 ->          2.21.0
  go                      :          1.11.5 ->            1.12
  iana-etc                :        20190219 ->        20190221
  ipython                 :           7.2.0 ->           7.3.0
  irssi                   :           1.1.2 ->           1.2.0
  kactivities-frameworks  :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kactivities-stats       :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kapidox                 :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  karchive                :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kauth                   :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kbookmarks              :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kcmutils                :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kcodecs                 :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kcompletion             :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kconfig                 :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kconfigwidgets          :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kcoreaddons             :          5.53.1 ->          5.55.0
  kcrash                  :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kdbusaddons             :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kdeclarative            :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kded                    :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kdelibs4support         :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kdesignerplugin         :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kdesu                   :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kdewebkit               :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kdnssd                  :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kdoctools               :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kemoticons              :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kf5                     :            5.53 ->            5.55
  kfilemetadata           :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kglobalaccel            :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kguiaddons              :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  khtml                   :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  ki18n                   :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kiconthemes             :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kidletime               :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kimageformats           :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kinit                   :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kio                     :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kirigami2               :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kitemmodels             :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kitemviews              :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kjobwidgets             :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kjs                     :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kjsembed                :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kmediaplayer            :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  knewstuff               :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  knotifications          :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  knotifyconfig           :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kpackage                :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kparts                  :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kpeople                 :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kplotting               :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kpty                    :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kross                   :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  krunner                 :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kservice                :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  ktexteditor             :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  ktextwidgets            :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kunitconversion         :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kwallet                 :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kwayland-frameworks     :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kwidgetsaddons          :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kwindowsystem           :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kxmlgui                 :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  kxmlrpcclient           :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  libblockdev             :          2.20-1 ->          2.21-1
  libgweather             :          3.28.2 ->          3.28.3
  libssh                  :           0.8.6 ->           0.8.7
  modemmanager-qt         :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  mpd                     :          0.21.4 ->          0.21.5
  netdata                 :         v1.12.0 ->         v1.12.1
  NetworkManager          :          1.14.4 ->          1.14.6
  networkmanager-qt       :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  nginx                   :          1.15.7 ->          1.15.9
  nmh                     :             1.5 ->           1.7.1
  openrc                  :          0.40.3 ->          0.41.2
  oxygen-icons5           :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  plasma-framework        :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  postfix                 :           3.3.2 ->           3.4.0
  prison                  :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  purpose                 :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  python2-cffi            :          1.11.5 ->          1.12.2
  python2-httplib2        :          0.11.3 ->          0.12.1
  python2-markupsafe      :             1.0 ->           1.1.1
  python2-numpy           :          1.16.1 ->          1.16.2
  python-cffi             :          1.11.5 ->          1.12.2
  python-httplib2         :          0.11.3 ->          0.12.1
  python-markupsafe       :             1.0 ->           1.1.1
  python-numpy            :          1.16.1 ->          1.16.2
  qqc2-desktop-style      :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  qutebrowser             :           1.5.2 ->           1.6.0
  scons                   :           3.0.2 ->           3.0.4
  solid                   :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  sonnet                  :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  spamassassin            :           3.3.2 ->           3.4.2
  sqlite                  :         3270100 ->         3270200
  syndication             :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  syntax-highlighting     :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  sysvinit                :            2.93 ->            2.94
  tar                     :            1.31 ->            1.32
  texinfo                 :             6.5 ->             6.6
  threadweaver            :          5.53.0 ->          5.55.0
  tracker                 :           2.1.6 ->           2.2.0
  unrar                   :           5.7.2 ->           5.7.3
  webkit2gtk3             :          2.22.5 ->          2.22.6
  wesnoth                 :          1.14.5 ->          1.14.6
  wireshark               :           2.6.6 ->           2.6.7


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