weekly news - 20171013

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Oct 13 12:35:27 CEST 2017


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New versions: (41)
  allegro-5               :           2.2.0 ->           2.3.0
  binutils                :            2.29 ->          2.29.1
  cffi                    :          1.10.0 ->          1.11.2
  daq                     :           2.0.6 ->           2.2.2
  dconf                   :          0.26.0 ->          0.26.1
  dovecot                 :          2.2.32 ->
  elfutils                :           0.169 ->           0.170
  feh                     :          2.19.3 ->            2.21
  firefox-bin             :            56.0 ->          56.0.1
  firetools               :          0.9.46 ->          0.9.50
  flash-plugin            : ->
  glade                   :          3.20.0 ->          3.20.1
  gnome-online-accounts   :          3.26.0 ->          3.26.1
  gnome-settings-daemon   :          3.26.0 ->          3.26.1
  gparted                 :          0.29.0 ->          0.30.0
  ImageMagick             :        6.9.9-18 ->        6.9.9-19
  json-glib               :           1.2.8 ->           1.4.2
  lftp                    :           4.8.2 ->           4.8.3
  libebml                 :           1.3.4 ->           1.3.5
  libmatroska             :           1.4.7 ->           1.4.8
  libreoffice-bin         :           5.4.1 ->           5.4.2
  libsodium               :          1.0.14 ->          1.0.15
  libsoup                 :          2.60.0 ->          2.60.1
  meson                   :          0.42.1 ->          0.43.0
  MP3-Info                :            1.24 ->            1.26
  nginx                   :          1.13.4 ->          1.13.6
  node                    :           8.6.0 ->           8.7.0
  openjpeg-2              :             1.2 ->             3.0
  openssh                 :           7.5p1 ->           7.6p1
  pepperflash             : ->
  postgresql              :           9.6.5 ->            10.0
  Python                  :          2.7.13 ->          2.7.14
  qt-creator              : opensource-src-4.4.0 -> opensource-src-4.4.1
  sddm                    :          0.15.0 ->          0.16.0
  snort                   : ->          2.9.11
  texinfo                 :             6.4 ->             6.5
  thunderbird-bin         :          52.3.0 ->          52.4.0
  vala                    :          0.38.1 ->          0.38.2
  variety                 :           0.6.5 ->           0.6.6
  wireshark               :           2.2.7 ->           2.4.2
  zile                    :          2.4.13 ->          2.4.14


The Lunar-Linux team

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