weekly news - 20120127

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Jan 27 12:35:50 CET 2012


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (26)
    analitza-4.8.0: add mathematical features to your program
         ark-4.8.0: managing various archive formats
   filelight-4.8.0: interactive map of concentric, segmented rings that help visualis
       jovie-4.8.0: conversion of text to audible speech
  kaccessible-4.8.0: provide accessibility services like focus tracking and a screenre
  kactivities-4.8.0: interactive map of concentric, segmented rings that help visualis
       kcalc-4.8.0: kde based calculator
  kcharselect-4.8.0: select special characters from all installed fonts and copy them 
  kde-l10n-fa-4.8.0: contains translated KDE messages
  kde-l10n-tg-4.8.0: contains translated KDE messages
  kde-l10n-vi-4.8.0: contains translated KDE messages
  kdegraphics-mobipocket-2.0.0: kdegraphics-mobipocket
         kdf-4.8.0: KDiskFree
     kfloppy-4.8.0: a graphical means to access floppy devices
        kgpg-4.8.0: a simple GUI for GnuPG
        kmag-4.8.0: kmag
  kmousetool-4.8.0: kmousetool
      kmouth-4.8.0: kmouth
  kremotecontrol-4.8.0: KDE frontend for LIRC
    ksecrets-4.8.0: secrets management infrastructure
      ktimer-4.8.0: create a timer
     kwallet-4.8.0: kwallet
      nginx-1.0.11: http server and reverse proxy
  printer-applet-4.8.0: system tray utility to show current print jobs
  superkaramba-4.8.0: easily create interactive eye-candy for the KDE desktop
     sweeper-4.8.0: sweeper

New versions: (160)
  SDL                     :          1.2.14 ->          1.2.15
  SDL_image               :          1.2.11 ->          1.2.12
  akonadi                 :          1.6.90 ->           1.7.0
  alsa-driver             :          1.0.24 ->          1.0.25
  alsa-lib                : ->          1.0.25
  alsa-oss                :          1.0.17 ->          1.0.25
  alsa-plugins            :          1.0.24 ->          1.0.25
  alsa-utils              : ->          1.0.25
  amaya                   :          11.3.1 ->          11.4.4
  audacious               :           3.1.2 ->             3.2
  audacious-plugins       :           3.1.2 ->             3.2
  blinken                 :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  calibre                 :          0.8.35 ->          0.8.36
  cantor                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  chromium                :     16.0.912.75 ->     16.0.912.77
  clementine              :           1.0.0 ->           1.0.1
  curl                    :          7.23.1 ->          7.24.0
  eigen3                  :           3.0.3 ->           3.0.4
  ffmpeg                  :           0.7.8 ->          0.7.11
  filezilla               :           3.5.0 ->           3.5.2
  freeglut                :           2.6.0 ->           2.8.0
  gdb                     :           7.3.1 ->             7.4
  gtk+-2                  :            24.8 ->            24.9
  gwenview                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kalgebra                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kalzium                 :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kamera                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kanagram                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kate                    :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kbruch                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kcolorchooser           :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-baseapps            :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-ar             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-bg             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-bs             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-ca             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-ca at valencia    :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-cs             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-da             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-de             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-el             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-en_GB          :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-es             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-et             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-eu             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-fi             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-fr             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-ga             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-gl             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-hr             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-hu             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-ia             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-is             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-it             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-ja             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-kk             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-km             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-ko             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-lt             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-lv             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-nb             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-nds            :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-nl             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-nn             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-pa             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-pl             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-pt             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-pt_BR          :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-ro             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-ru             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-si             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-sk             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-sl             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-sr             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-sv             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-th             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-tr             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-uk             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-wa             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-zh_CN          :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-l10n-zh_TW          :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-runtime             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-wallpapers          :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde-workspace           :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kde4                    :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdeadmin                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdeartwork              :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdegames                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer:           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdegraphics-thumbnailers:           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdelibs                 :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdemultimedia           :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdenetwork              :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdepim                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdepim-runtime          :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdepimlibs              :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdeplasma-addons        :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdesdk                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdetoys                 :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kdewebdev               :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kgamma                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kgeography              :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  khangman                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kig                     :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kimono                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kiten                   :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  klettres                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kmplot                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kolourpaint             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  konsole                 :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  korundum                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kross-interpreters      :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kruler                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  ksaneplugin             :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  ksnapshot               :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kstars                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  ktouch                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kturtle                 :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  kwordquiz               :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  lftp                    :           4.3.4 ->           4.3.5
  libkdcraw               :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  libkdeedu               :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  libkexiv2               :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  libkipi                 :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  libksane                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  linux                   :           3.2.1 ->           3.2.2
  live555                 :      2012.01.13 ->      2012.01.26
  marble                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  mdadm                   :           3.2.2 ->           3.2.3
  miro                    :           4.0.4 ->           4.0.5
  ntfs-3g                 :       2011.4.12 ->       2012.1.15
  okular                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  opera                   :           11.60 ->           11.61
  oxygen-icons            :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  parley                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  perlkde                 :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  perlqt                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  php5-suhosin            : 5.2.17- ->   5.2.17-0.9.33
  pixman                  :          0.24.0 ->          0.24.2
  pykde4                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  qtruby                  :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  qtscriptgenerator       :           1.0.0 ->       src-0.2.0
  qyoto                   :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  rocs                    :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  rxvt-unicode            :            9.14 ->            9.15
  sg3_utils               :            1.32 ->            1.33
  shorewall               : ->
  smokegen                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  smokekde                :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  smokeqt                 :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  snort                   :           2.9.2 ->
  step                    :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  strongswan              :           4.5.3 ->           4.6.1
  svgpart                 :           4.7.4 ->           4.8.0
  systemd                 :              38 ->              39
  tmux                    :             1.5 ->             1.6
  usermin                 :           1.490 ->           1.500
  webmin                  :           1.570 ->           1.580
  xkeyboard-config        :           2.4.1 ->             2.5
  zsh-dev                 :          4.3.10 ->          4.3.15


The Lunar-Linux team

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