Using CDN's to cache source downloads?

Auke Kok sofar at
Sun Jun 26 23:56:44 CEST 2011

I've been messing around with some new plugin ideas, and I came up with 
the idea to write one that makes lunar fallback to using a CDN for 
failed downloads. This would provide a great extra mirror service at 
almost no cost to implement to us (and, coral CDN already does this for 
free for anyone).

Here's how it works:

1) we "seed" the CDN.

Basically, we run a script daily on a machine that finds all the 
compatible URL's in moonbase, and goes and tries to "download" these 
URL's through the CDN. After that, the CDN has a cache, and anyone can, 
at a later stage get a copy through the CDN.

We don't need to actually download the entire thing to seed it. Just 
doing a "HEAD $URL" is enough to make the CDN get the file for us, so 
this is extremely efficient.

2) we add a plugin that downloads the source through the CDN instead of 

I already wrote the plugin, and a basic seeder. I'm wondering if people 
think this would be useful or not. Also, it's entirely dependent on the 
reliability of the CDN itself.

Ideas? feedback welcome. See attached code for details.


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