
Jean-Michel Brünn jean.bruenn at
Sat Jun 2 21:29:31 CEST 2007

> I'm for. The number of kept kernels should be setable by user, but
> default 3 is right. I for example use only 2 kernels in transition
> time till I make sure the last is fully working. Then I delete
> everything older than current one. Having cleanup script would be
> more comfortable for newbies who probably wonder what eats free
> space after some lunar update.

ack. I have always 2 Kernels - The actual one and the latest running
(i call it always failsafe and change it in lilo.conf, my actual has
label LunarLinux the latest has label FailSafe) so if i would have
any problems with the actual kernel (haven't used usb for two months
and seeing than that it's not working, and i don't have time to
recompile the kernel) i would simply reboot with the latest one.

so i think 2-3 Kernels would be a good choice, others should be
removed, if installed by lunars package management.


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