gtk+-2.8.14 version bump

Terry Chan tpchan at
Thu Mar 9 20:22:24 UTC 2006

No need to go that far (Debian).  Users that are in love with problem apps,
can do "lunar hold glib-2 gtk+-2" when the version bump happens.

Terry Chan
On Thu, Mar 09, 2006 at 09:12:28PM +0100, Couannette wrote:
> Hi,
> *taking a "absolute" point of view*.
> If galculator depends on glib 2.x if depends on 2.x and not on 2.y.
> It was written with the glib 2.x API in mind and can't, by construction, be
> compatible with glib 2.y that propose a different API.
> That's why major distributions continue to deliver very old libraries: to
> support old application that are usefull but no more actively developped.
> We can't install 2 versions of the same library into Lunar (not as Gentoo for
> example, that can have a slot for each "usefull" version of a given library).
> I don't say that we should by the way. Keep Lunar Simple :o)...
> We just have to say, as Chan said, that upgrading this library for the sake of a
> majority of application will break a small number of other.
> Those application that are no more actively developped are doomed in a source
> based distro like ours.
> You have to "faire une croix dessus" as we say in french: you have to give up
> with it, get rid of it.
> Anyway if you want to use those application you have the choice to install Debian.
> Regards,
> Couannette

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