weekly news - 20051106

maintainer@lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Sun Nov 6 07:15:51 UTC 2005


Here's the latest weekly news edition!


Hi all!

I've spent plenty of time working on mocha this week, less on lunar-
xfce.org is now almost completely hosted on the new server and this
is helping a lot with performance on espresso. We will be keeping 
the mailinglists and smtp on espresso for obvious reasons - it would
be a lot more time to maintain two mailer setups instead of one.

I spent the little time I had working a bit on the license code. The
code is about to go into theedge and is rather straightforward. By
default every module is accepted since there are no LICENSE variables
defined anywhere in moonbase. We currently assume that an empty
LICENSE in a module means that the module is somehow "osi" approved.

This makes it very simple for us to handle default installations -
the code will by default accept all osi and reject all others, and
wanr you about that. You can then chose to accept "all" or "osi"
or even specific licenses, or even reject "none" - which might 
actually be a license name of course ;^).

Take care with that new glibc update folks!


Meanwhile in #lunar:


New modules: (1)
    sqlite2-2.8.16: Old version of the SQLite

Removed modules: (4)

New versions: (34)
  aqbanking               :       1.6.0beta ->           1.6.1
  bmpx                    :          0.12.1 ->          0.12.2
  chkrootkit              :            0.46 ->           0.46a
  clamav                  :            0.87 ->          0.87.1
  Convert-UUlib           :            0.31 ->           1.051
  dnspython               :           1.3.4 ->           1.3.5
  easytag2                :          1.99.8 ->          1.99.9
  edict                   :             2.0 ->             2.1
  File-MimeInfo           :            0.11 ->            0.12
  File-Tail               :            0.98 ->          0.99.3
  fox                     :          1.4.17 ->          1.4.21
  glibc                   :           2.3.5 ->           2.3.6
  Glib-Perl               :           1.100 ->           1.101
  Gtk2-Perl               :           1.100 ->           1.101
  gwenhywfar              :          1.19.0 ->          1.19.1
  htop                    :           0.5.3 ->           0.5.4
  iptables                :           1.3.3 ->           1.3.4
  k3b                     :          0.12.6 ->          0.12.7
  k3b-i18n                :          0.12.6 ->          0.12.7
  lard                    :           0.1.5 ->           0.1.6
  librsvg                 :          2.12.7 ->          2.13.0
  linux-2.6               : ->          2.6.14
  MailTools               :            1.64 ->            1.67
  man-pages               :            2.11 ->            2.13
  mplayerplug-in          :            3.11 ->            3.15
  openoffice-bin          :           1.1.5 ->           2.0.0
  parted                  :          1.6.23 ->          1.6.25
  php                     :           4.4.0 ->           4.4.1
  sudo                    :         1.6.8p8 ->        1.6.8p11
  whois                   :           4.7.5 ->           4.7.7
  xchat                   :           2.4.5 ->           2.6.0
  xcompmgr                :           1.1.2 ->           1.1.3
  xlockmore               :            5.19 ->          5.20.1
  zile                    :           2.2.8 ->           2.2.9


The Lunar-Linux team

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