weekly news - 20050423

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Sat Apr 23 13:25:31 UTC 2005


Here's the latest weekly news edition!


Good morning everyone,

I took the liberty of holding back this weeks weekly a day since I
wanted to summarize some of the changes to the code that have been made
in the last weeks/months a bit. Undoubtably people will have missed
some of this so it's time I list them orderly.

1. sources and urls are now differently treated.

A url in a module no longer describes the full url to a file, but
only the download directory.  This opens up the path to substitute
other possible alternative urls and the download code already does
this extensively. Example: if one of the sourceforge mirrors doesn't
offer a specific file, all other sourceforge mirrors listed in the
SFORGE mirror list are tried as well. Module writers must make sure
that the $SOURCE component isn't added to the $SOURCE_URL anymore.

2. plugins

The plugin code allows module writers to extend certain parts of
the code that is executed at different stages of installation and
download. This code currently is used to (un)plug (un)needed code and
thus keeps the code smaller and more organized. The biggest benefit is
that we can remove parts of the code that noone uses, without breaking
it, and vice versa. In the future, the plugin code will cover more
parts of the instalation procedure, further reducing the side of
the base code.

3. aliases

Aliases provide a solution to the old problem where mutliple modules
provide the same functionality. Mostly this is not a problem but as
moonbase grows bigger we see conflicts arising and we need a flexible
way of solving the spaghetti without hardcoding hacks. Aliases provide
a flexible interface to solve this problem. From a users point of view
not much happens, as most of the time aliases are a one-time choice
after which you are not bothered anymore.

Some problems aren't worked out properly yet but we try to keep the
amount of changes to a minimum in the 'lunar' copy of the core code.
If you have problems with part of these changes we recommend you
switch to 'theedge' before reporting bugs, because a fix might already
be implemented.


Meanwhile in #lunar:
Ratler>> I had to pay 700 from Stockholm -> Knivsta once though. However i knew the taxidriver and got girltax and we were 3 ppl splitting the cost ;) nOpROX>> yeah, your pritty girly you =)
<perldude> evo_: the internet is broken. fix it!
<sofar> Hittis: I think it's a load of B$ and ballmer prolly was misquoted <sofar> he micht have said "we will virtualize linux (as in eliminate)" after having drunk too much pepsi soda
< sofar> my best friends bring me dead animals
<Striker`Work> i bet my server kernel hates me
<evo_> well i'm examining anna...
<wdp> i want to be a quote, too!
<nestu> you aint a real dev till you've been in my arms ;)
Striker`Work: i'm an ass, everyone hates me

New modules: (2)
   eclair-cvs-beta: An EFL based media player
       glitz-0.4.0: Glitz is an OpenGL image compositing library.

New versions: (53)
  MPlayer                 :        1.0pre6a ->         1.0pre7
  ORBit2                  :          2.12.1 ->          2.12.2
  Python                  :             2.4 ->           2.4.1
  Wine                    :        20050310 ->        20050419
  amanda                  :         2.4.4p4 ->           2.4.5
  apache2                 :          2.0.53 ->          2.0.54
  balsa                   :           2.2.6 ->           2.3.0
  control-center2         :          2.10.0 ->          2.10.1
  cvs                     :         1.11.19 ->         1.11.20
  eel                     :          2.10.0 ->          2.10.1
  epiphany                :           1.6.0 ->           1.6.2
  epiphany-extensions     :           0.9.0 ->           1.6.2
  file-roller             :          2.10.1 ->          2.10.2
  firefox                 :           1.0.2 ->           1.0.3
  fortune-meanwhile-in-lunar:        20050408 ->        20050415
  fox                     :          1.2.13 ->          1.4.12
  freeciv                 :          1.14.2 ->           2.0.0
  gnome-doc-utils         :           0.1.3 ->           0.2.0
  gnome-icon-theme        :          2.10.0 ->          2.10.1
  gnome-media2            :          2.10.0 ->          2.10.2
  gnome-menus             :          2.10.0 ->          2.10.1
  gtk+-2                  :             6.4 ->             6.7
  hdparm                  :             5.9 ->             6.1
  kdetv                   :           0.8.5 ->           0.8.6
  krename                 :           3.0.3 ->           3.0.4
  lftp                    :           3.1.2 ->           3.1.3
  libcddb                 :           0.9.6 ->           1.0.0
  libcdio                 :            0.70 ->            0.73
  libebml                 :           0.7.3 ->           0.7.4
  libesmtp                :           1.0.1 ->         1.0.3r1
  libmatroska             :           0.7.5 ->           0.7.6
  linux-2.6-prepatch      :      2.6.12-rc2 ->      2.6.12-rc3
  lirc                    :           0.7.0 ->           0.7.1
  lunar                   :        20050415 ->        20050422
  mkvtoolnix              :           1.4.1 ->           1.4.2
  moc                     :           2.2.0 ->           2.2.1
  mozilla                 :           1.7.6 ->           1.7.7
  nautilus                :          2.10.0 ->          2.10.1
  nautilus-cd-burner      :          2.10.0 ->          2.10.1
  numarray                :           1.2.3 ->           1.3.1
  numpy                   :            23.8 ->            24.0
  phpMyAdmin              :       2.6.1-pl3 ->           2.6.2
  phpPgAdmin              :           3.5.2 ->           3.5.3
  pinentry                :           0.6.8 ->           0.7.2
  prboom                  :           2.2.6 ->           2.3.1
  samba                   :          3.0.13 ->         3.0.14a
  superkaramba            :            0.35 ->            0.36
  sylpheed-dev            :           1.9.8 ->           1.9.9
  theedge                 :        20050415 ->        20050422
  tvtime                  :          0.9.15 ->            0.99
  udev                    :             056 ->             057
  vnc                     :             4_1 ->           4_1_1
  xfe                     :            0.72 ->            0.80

Moved modules:
  libcddb                 :            libs ->              cd
  libcdio                 :            libs ->              cd
  libpixman               :            libs ->        graphics


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