enabling/disabling features (Was Re: RE Questions with Auke Kok)

Nick Hudson nhudson at lunar-linux.org
Wed Jul 2 07:51:01 GMT 2003

> the optional_depends can set configure options ...
> > The main reason for building apps with little (minimal) library binds
> > is that UNIX/Linux systems tend to be more and more complex. And
> > complexity leads to headaches when something goes wrong. A more
> > complex system is more subject to failure than a simple one. Take a
> > look at rescent major anoyment in Linux software :
> > 
> > - freetype / XFree / fontconfig / pango / ghostscript and friends ...
> > - gdk / imlib / gtk / gnome libs (ui & all) and all gnome2 stuff ...
> > - gettext / glibc ...
> > 
> > Beware : I don't want everything to be choosen in lin stage. It would
> > be more difficult to use lunar. A common set of dependencies could be
> > defined (at the moment : it's implemented in "depends and
> > optional_depends" system), and a complete list of depends could be
> > accessible to tune special module &/or tree of modules (hierarchy of
> > modules that provides a system like gnome/kde/xfce/...).
> > 

I dont get this either, one specificly depends on the other.  Yes you
can compile xfree86 without freetype2 support thats why we give you the
option.  As for the rest it sounds to me like you wanna have
optional_depends for everything, Like take the module gnome-desktop for
example, wanna because to compile it with or without gtk2 support? 
Thats impossible, because it specifily depends on it.  The current way
of doing the deps isnt the end all and yes it can be worked on and it
will get better once Lunar2 starts some major development.  But as for
this right now I really dont understand what you are getting at, sounds
like you want to make optional depends for everything when it really
specificly depends on something?


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