System hosed AGAIN

Wuss912 Wuss912 at
Wed Jan 29 17:29:45 GMT 2003

Well I've been messing with this for a while and I've done several
reinstalls so far (I cant say I've been very successful so far) I am
thinking about going to try gentoo...

-----Original Message-----
From: lunar-bounces at
[mailto:lunar-bounces at] On Behalf Of Todd A. Jacobs
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 5:25 PM
To: Lunar Linux
Subject: System hosed AGAIN

Okay, after the last round of playing lunar update and lin --fix, the 
system is completely unstable and totally unusable.

Filesystems which are reported as rw give errors about being ro when you

attempt to do anything. tmpfs partitions can't be deleted or unmounted. 
Applications give warnings about failures to open sockets (all
act as if they're read-only, remember?), and have library failures, too.

Rebooting solves nothing; mounting single user without devfs is likewise


I can't even do an "lvu activity" to see what happened last. Lvu is

So, it's time to ask the question: has *anyone* else on this list
actually tried to install a Lunar 1.2 system from the ISO onto a clean
system? And once it was installed, did you attempt to do any mass
package additions/upgrades?

Unless someone else has done this, and gotten it to work on a real, 
freshly installed system--not a virtual machine, not an upgrade to a 
previous release--I'm about ready to toss in the towel here.

"Of course I'm in shape! Round's a shape, isn't it?"

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