Fwd: [moonbase-core] Florin's updates (#25)

Auke Kok sofar at foo-projects.org
Tue Jul 24 17:47:58 CEST 2012

On 07/24/2012 01:06 AM, jean.bruenn at ip-minds.de wrote:
> Hello Auke,
> I guess this requirement has to do with reverts later on (making them
> easier)?

it has nothing to do with that, at all.

it's still multiple separate commits on florin's branch, but because 
there are 13 commits in a single branch, I have no recourse but to 
cherry pick them in the order that I like, and that might give all sorts 
of merge issues, and is just a _LOT_ of work.

 > Is there _any_ other way, to do this? I know that a few
> developers have no problem working with branches, and even if everyone
> says one gets used to it, I find it pretty confusing and it adds a
> lot of extra work imo.

foreach (change) {

   git branch newchange
   vi <stuff>
   git commit -a
   -> push to github branch and do git pull request


> It might be also useful if someone would write down (I got a list
> from ratler) the exact workflow. Currently, (iirc) I have to switch into
> the specific repository (1 of 11) then I have to issue some git
> commands to update using upstream, then I have to create a branch,
> then I have to make my changes, then I have to push it, then I
> have to visit the website to make a pull request, then I have to
> keep this branch till my pull request got accepted.. One day I'll
> end up with 10 branches in 11 repositories .. just thinking about
> that makes my head hurt..
> once again. Anything easier apart from not committing anymore at all? :)

all you need to do is make sure that you send me 1 change for -core at a 

anything with more than 1 change is going to take time for me and Ratler 
to test.


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