moonbase.tar.bz2 versus darksideofthemoon.tar.bz2

Jean-Michel Bruenn jean.bruenn at
Wed May 25 14:23:24 CEST 2011


i have to agree. The current way of doing such things is bad. And we
already had several talks about that on IRC as you might remember,
darksideofthemoon sounds good by the way, for the edgy stuff :)

I had to switch away from Lunar on some of my production machines, i
wouldn't say its like giving up Lunar completly but i guess i know what
you mean. 

> If no one objects i'd like to start implementing this (preferably yesterday...)

Go for it. If you need help, lemme know what to do. Maybe we could
setup something in the bugtracker for better development of this.

> If anyone has a good idea on how to implement this, please speak free.

Well, as you've already written in subject darksideofthemoon.tar.bz2
i'd just keep it simple and add a dialog to lunar like the
lunar/theedge choice - Choose between moonbase / darksideofthemoon.
Then we'd need to make sure that the scripts like "lunar update" fetch
the correct moonbase and i'd just continue to unpack it all
to /var/lib/lunar/moonbase. Thats most likely the easiest way to do


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