
Jean-Michel Bruenn jean.bruenn at ip-minds.de
Wed Jun 1 11:06:51 CEST 2011


we've just talked on irc about moonbase/darksideofthemoon and dagbrown
came up with a quite nice idea. Putting together most (or even all)
ideas regarding this topic we can assume that most of us would like to
have stable and unstable in lunar. However, we've still not decided
yet, how to do that.

To keep it simple, here's the nopaste of our talk, for those devs who
weren't on IRC:


The only problem i'm seeing with this solution is, that there might be
inconsistencies between stable and unstable. Imagine someone updates
xyz and abc in unstable. now abc makes it into stable, xyz not. but abc
needs xyz otherwise it's broken. So we simply added a broken module to
the stable moonbase.


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