git branching model and darksideofthemoon

wookietreiber kizkizzbangbang at
Wed Jun 1 08:23:28 CEST 2011

Hi there,

having a look at our git branching model:

me at home /path/to/local/moonbase/ $ git branch -a
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

it seems a little sad, that we don't use git for great ideas like


Here is a very good example of how to utilize git for this purpose

so we could easily use the development branch as darksideofthemoon, use
feature branch for testing of bumps and let the automatism (I don't what it is
exactly, possibly a cron job) merge the development branch to master and create
the "stable" moonbase for non-dev users. Also devs aren't allowed to merge
directly to


but have to merge to


This way we can without much effort utilize git and this branching model for
(almost?) everything we discussed before about darksideofthemoon.

We could also introduce (to the branching model) another infinite "release"
branch, so that develop is hourly merged into the release branch, which is the
moonbase for "theedge" non-dev-users, and the release branch is merged daily
to master, which is used for "lunar" non-dev-users.

Also we should consider that devs are generally encouraged to use the develop
branch for testing.

What do you think about it?

Best regards
Christian Krause aka wookietreiber

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