Please close these already fixed bugs in bugzilla.

Duncan Gibson duncan.gibson at
Sun Oct 17 17:58:16 CEST 2010

> (fixed 2010-09-12 17:46)
> (fixed today)
> (fixed 2010-08-29 22:15)
> Seeing those bugs still hanging as crash/block for months is really
> irritating. From time to time I visit bugizilla looking for bugs to
> fix. I revisit those bugs because they are hanging as unresolved
> hoping they are new. But after reading see my fixes one or two months
> old at the end.

There was a big discussion on #lunar a few years ago about whether to
forward submissions and bug reports onto the mailing lists or not (and
the result was not) so not everyone is aware when new bugs are posted
or when a new commit fixes an existing bug.

> I can not even close the bug which I reported myself and fixed myself:
> bug #439.

As you were the original reporter, I've marked #439 as Resolved, but
I should have Closed it, see below...

I prefer to give the original reporters a chance to respond before
closing it. [I still have one with docbook open that you may have
solved because I haven't had chance to verify it on a clean install]

> Keeping crashers/blokcers for months "unresolved" when they are fixed
> only shows how someone resposible for closing fixed bugs in bugzilla
> care for Lunar's public relations.

As far as I am aware, there aren't any guidelines about who patrols the
BugTracker, or what the workflow should be when dealing with a report.
Other projects mark problems as "Resolved" and the "Close" them after
another two weeks if there has been no adverse feedback. Unfortunately
that doesn't quite fit with our BugTracker where "Resolved" means the
bug is no longer active and needs to be reopened to the "Close" it.
This one keeps biting me :-(


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