GIT: warning message about "updating currently checked out branch" and why you should care

Auke Kok auke at
Sat Apr 18 22:36:10 CEST 2009

Duncan Gibson wrote:
>> This all gets back to when we first switched over to using git and I
>> warned many of you about creating your repo's that you want to push to
>> as "bare". Some of you heeded my advice and some not.
> I was a git newbie when I set up my repo on doppio, and I didn't
> really understand what you meant, or what difference it would make.
>> For those that didn't then you need to read this URL:
> Ah. Now I understand why I've been getting those messages...
>> Basically sometime in the near future git will NOT allow you to push
>> to repo's that are not bare.
> Hmm. That's a bummer! Now I might need an extra repo in between :-)
>> I've tried to make sure the main lunar repo fits these requirements.
>> Hopefully this hasn't broken some esoteric script running on doppio,
>> that needed a non-bare repo.
> explains why I set up the two tier repo system that I have. I've just
> tried to convert my doppio repo to being a --bare repo:
> engelsman at doppio ~ $ mv moonbase.git
> engelsman at doppio ~ $ git clone --bare git://
> /moonbase.git moonbase.git
> Initialized empty Git repository in /home/engelsman/moonbase.git/
> remote: Counting objects: 189883, done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (60399/60399), done.
> remote: Total 189883 (delta 124406), reused 189883 (delta 124406)
> Receiving objects: 100% (189883/189883), 28.10 MiB | 11631 KiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (124406/124406), done.
> engelsman at doppio ~ $ cd moonbase.git
> engelsman at doppio ~/moonbase.git $ git checkout -b testing master
> fatal: This operation must be run in a work tree
> engelsman at doppio ~/moonbase.git $
> Sofar's review script doesn't work with the --bare repo either:
> engelsman at doppio ~/moonbase.git $ review equate-cvs
> Please check you are in a valid moonbase git repository!
> [This directory does not contain .git or zlocal or both]

correct, it needs to make diffs and that's hard to compare a local file 
copy against a remote non-file non-checkout out copy - it'll basically 
never work.

> I know that zmcgrew was testing a review script that mounted doppio
> directories over ssh - I forget the details - but I never tested it.

don't do that please. Just asks for big big mistakes to be made...

> I really don't want to open up my firewalls and systems if I can
> avoid it, because I don't have the security expertise of you and sofar.
> What would your advice be on how to set up the local and remote repos?
> Maybe it could be on a wiki page for those that might come after...

aside from the review script, nothing wrong with pushing from your home 
checkout straight to the main git repo on doppio.

those working with the review script should just do a checkout of 
moonbase in their home folder on doppio.


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