Module submission: neon - please ignore

Duncan Gibson duncan.gibson at
Sat Mar 8 18:25:17 CET 2008

I wrote:
> I've just submitted an update for neon from 0.26.3 0.28
> but this means that subversion fails to build during a
> subsequent lunar update.

OK, subversion have a funny "buddy" system for reporting issues,
but I did get some information from irc://

me    | Hi. I have a source-based distro (Lunar Linux) on my box at home.
me    | This offers subversion-1.4.6 which is built on neon-0.26.3.
me    | If I install neon-0.28.0, subversion fails to build with an
me    | undefined reference to an ne_* function. Is this a known problem?
me    | I couldn't see this error message in the issue tracker
me    | I've rebuild again with neon-0.26.3 and overwritten the compile log
me    | so I can't give the exact message. sorry

@maxb | Neon makes no compatibility guarantees across 0.x increments.
@maxb | 0.28 is very new, I'm not surprised 1.4.x doesn't support it
@maxb | You should be safe with 0.27 though

me    | what is the last neon version that subversion is known to build with?
@maxb | 1.4.x with 0.27.x IIRC
me    | OK. I'll see what I can do with 0.27.x then. Thanks for the info :-)

Duncan / engelsman

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