read bash?

Jan Eidtmann cmak at
Tue Jan 30 12:36:01 CET 2007

On Tue, Jan 30, 2007 at 11:59:22 +0100
Moritz Heiber <moe at> wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Jan 2007 11:49:29 +0100
> Jan Eidtmann <cmak at> wrote:
> > its like 20 lines of code, that just aint working....yet :P
> I think talking to you has become more and more worthless. I just told
> you to let it go .. yet, you refuse to do so. My script did exactly
> that. But I had to consult with some wicked bash guru before I actually
> got it work in the first place using a very dirty bash hack. If you feel
> like doing so .. go ahead, but please stop bothering us.
> What I'd consider to be the right direction is to use cryptmount
> instead and just stop messing around with bash.
> But since I suggested that already and you bluntly disregarded it its
> neither worth my time nor the effort to continue convinving you
> otherwise.

i just want to make lunar better and all i get is your 
BS...of course ive heard what you say...but im not 
satisfied with that. i want this support.  you didnt say 
that you dont ever want to support such things.  all you 
said is i _could_ stop. but why? because you failed? you 
even tried to implement the same thing...  and failed, is 
that my fault?  no. is it bash's fault?  no.

no need for any dirty bash hacks here. as long as we dont 
add another while read-loop (the other while read loop 
doesnt even need to be touched).

so, is there a way to assign a value to a variable from a 
pipe without using read? if thats the case, im done with 
the patch :)


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