Mission completed...

Jerry Lundström prox at lunar-linux.org
Mon Apr 10 07:51:09 UTC 2006

Jerry Lundström wrote:
> Beside some broken modules that I fixed there wasnt anything really that
> happend that was fatal to the system.

Haha, I spoke too soon.

init.d/network script doesnt work correctly, it can't stop eth*. Seems
that dhcpcd forks after getting an ip address which means network script
saves the wrong pid and can't stop. (may be just dhcpcd related)

I get alot of udev-something /usr/bin/test failed at shutdown...

Jerry Lundström, System Developer
The Division of IT and media, Stockholm University, Sweden
+46 (0)8 16 19 99 / http://www.it.su.se

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