proposed changes in some config files...

Jon South striker at
Fri Jul 15 16:38:20 UTC 2005

samuel verstraete wrote:
> I only made these changes to my system maybe they are worth
> implementing as it corresponds to other linux'es out there...
> First File :
> /etc/X11/app-defaults/XTerm
> 1.
> + XTerm*termName: xterm-color
> This enables colors in xterm, aterm, rxvt (especially syntax-hilighting
> in vim...)
> 2.
> + XTerm*loginShell: true
> quite obvious
> 3.
> + XTerm*eightBitInput: false
> + XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
> enables the use of the Alt + 'numbers' to switch windows in use with
> irssi (tested with xterm, will prolly work with aterm and rxvt as well)
> Second File :
> /etc/inputrc
> + "\e[5~": history-search-backward
> + "\e[6~": history-search-forward
> - "\e[5~": beginning-of-history
> - "\e[6~": end-of-history
> so instead of using PgDn and PgUp to go to first or last command in
> history you now can use PgDn and PgUp for going one item up in
> history... if you start typing a command that you used before and press
> PgUp it will also look that up in the history file... just test it. :p
> it's to hard to explain :)
> greetz
> Samuel aka ElAngelo

1) I'm not having issues with colors in aterm, rxvt, or xterm.

2) no opinion, but some users may prefer non-login shell terminals
(typical for most other distros as well)

3) works just fine without that...are you sure you picked the correct

4) happy with the way it is already.

Did you use 1.5.0 to install or make other modifications to your system?
I've never had a problem with color or keys so long as I pick the
correct keymapping.


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