default_config() optimization?

Jon South striker at
Fri Oct 8 19:06:18 UTC 2004

To whom it may concern (and especially those that dont),

To help cut down even more on space in modules (take a look at the BUILD 
file for dd_rescue), see the following diff for build.lunar:

  default_config() {
    debug_msg "default_config ($@)"
+  if [ ! -f "configure" ]; then
+    return
+  fi
    verbose_msg "running \"default_config\""

    verbose_msg "CFLAGS=\"$CFLAGS\""            &&

Not sure if this would be acceptable since it silently returns if 
configure doesnt exist -- but I can't think of a scenario where someone 
would honestly need this to give an error while developing a module.

This is only an example; if anyone has a better solution, please, be my 
guest =)


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