weekly news - 20040224

Steven Michalske hardkrash at lunar-linux.org
Tue Feb 24 11:41:06 GMT 2004

Sofar looks great :-P  I like this idea better.

though the formatting on the list of versions is a bit eye troubling

could you some how have a sort of fixed width table system setup?

SDL: 			1.2.6	  -> 1.2.7
SOAPpy: 		0.10.4 -> 0.11.1
abs-guide: 		2.4     -> 2.5

a format more simular to this would be easier to read :-)

also line wrapping for the discription of new modules may be nice
perhaps wrap at 78 columns and tab the hainging lines?

also where do we submit messages to be added in this news letter?


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