SF.net vs Distrowatch

Auke Kok sofar at lunar-linux.org
Wed Aug 4 14:25:56 GMT 2004

Jon South wrote:

> Looks like the SF.net tracker beat the Distrowatch tracker by 12 hours...

I know for a fact that ladislav uses SF and FM data for his tracker 
info.... he just monitors it manually before bumping versions ;^)

> I do have some improvements to implement on the SF.net tracker soon 
> that will include ways to filter out some of these false announcements 
> (win32/rpm/beta/etc). Any and all input on the SF.net tracker would be 
> appreciated.

I like it

> One thing I would like to know is, even with all the false 
> announcments, do you guys like having the information available, or do 
> they annoy you? You guys can email me privately or leave me a private 
> message/memo on IRC.

perhaps maximum of 1 message every 6 hours? I dunno there's quite a lot 
of them already and I don't want devs to get apathic about new stuff by 
bombarding them with these messages ;^)


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