alternative dialogrc file

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Mon Aug 25 16:00:05 GMT 2003

Hey all,

I just got so fed up with dialog's pseudo 3D interface that I made an
alternative dialogrc file. 

It removes highlighting inside the dialog (it does keep the shadow for
the dialog window) and removes the unnecessary box around menu items.

IMHO it looks a lot cleaner. I'd like to propose this as default
dialogrc for lunar if more people agree. It is of course a minor issue.

-------------- next part --------------
# Run-time configuration file for dialog
# Automatically generated by "dialog --create-rc <file>"
# Types of values:
# Number     -  <number>
# String     -  "string"
# Boolean    -  <ON|OFF>
# Attribute  -  (foreground,background,highlight?)

# Shadow dialog boxes? This also turns on color.
use_shadow = ON

# Turn color support ON or OFF
use_colors = ON

# Screen color
screen_color = (CYAN,BLUE,ON)

# Shadow color
shadow_color = (BLACK,BLACK,OFF)

# Dialog box color
dialog_color = (BLACK,WHITE,OFF)

# Dialog box title color
title_color = (BLUE,WHITE,ON)

# Dialog box border color
border_color = (BLACK,WHITE,OFF)

# Active button color
button_active_color = (WHITE,BLUE,ON)

# Inactive button color
button_inactive_color = (BLACK,WHITE,OFF)

# Active button key color
button_key_active_color = (WHITE,BLUE,ON)

# Inactive button key color
button_key_inactive_color = (RED,WHITE,OFF)

# Active button label color
button_label_active_color = (YELLOW,BLUE,ON)

# Inactive button label color
button_label_inactive_color = (BLACK,WHITE,ON)

# Input box color
inputbox_color = (BLACK,CYAN,OFF)

# Input box border color
inputbox_border_color = (WHITE,WHITE,OFF)

# Search box color
searchbox_color = (BLACK,CYAN,OFF)

# Search box title color
searchbox_title_color = (BLUE,WHITE,ON)

# Search box border color
searchbox_border_color = (WHITE,WHITE,OFF)

# File position indicator color
position_indicator_color = (BLUE,WHITE,ON)

# Menu box color
menubox_color = (WHITE,WHITE,OFF)

# Menu box border color
menubox_border_color = (WHITE,WHITE,OFF)

# Item color
item_color = (BLACK,WHITE,OFF)

# Selected item color
item_selected_color = (WHITE,BLUE,ON)

# Tag color
tag_color = (BLUE,WHITE,ON)

# Selected tag color
tag_selected_color = (YELLOW,BLUE,ON)

# Tag key color
tag_key_color = (YELLOW,WHITE,ON)

# Selected tag key color
tag_key_selected_color = (WHITE,BLUE,ON)

# Check box color
check_color = (BLACK,WHITE,OFF)

# Selected check box color
check_selected_color = (WHITE,BLUE,ON)

# Up arrow color
uarrow_color = (GREEN,WHITE,ON)

# Down arrow color
darrow_color = (GREEN,WHITE,ON)

# Item help-text color
itemhelp_color = (WHITE,BLACK,OFF)

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