[Lunar-bugs] [Lunar Linux 0000278]: privoxy gmake error
Lunar bug reports list
lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Thu Feb 28 08:07:33 CET 2008
The following issue has been CLOSED
Reported By: blokkie
Assigned To: dveatch
Project: Lunar Linux
Issue ID: 278
Category: module
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: closed
Moonbase Version: 2007MMDD.NN (I'm an idiot and didn't edit this
Core Tools: Lunar
Core Tools Version: 2007MMDD (I'm an idiot and didn't edit this field.)
Resolution: fixed
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 09-09-2007 10:00 CEST
Last Modified: 02-28-2008 08:07 CET
Summary: privoxy gmake error
command : lunar install privoxy
error :
autoheader: WARNING: Using auxiliary files such as `acconfig.h',
autoheader: WARNING: and `config.h.top', to define templates for
autoheader: WARNING: is deprecated and discouraged.
autoheader: WARNING: Using the third argument of `AC_DEFINE' and
autoheader: WARNING: `AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED' allows one to define a template
autoheader: WARNING: `acconfig.h':
autoheader: [Define if a function `main' is needed.])
autoheader: WARNING: More sophisticated templates can also be produced,
see the
autoheader: WARNING: documentation.
/bin/sh: line 27: gmake: command not found
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/privoxy-3.0.6-stable'
*** To build this program, you must run
*** autoheader && autoconf && ./configure and then run GNU make.
*** Shall I do this for you now? (y/n)
dveatch - 11-15-07 15:44
The problem appears to be with autoheader and autoconf and the configure
script not being correctly generated during the lin process. I have tried
USE_WRAPPERS=no(off?), unset various flags and bad_flags ALL just for
geewhiz and various combinations.
If autoheader is run within (), the resulting configure script that is
created is way, way different than if autoheader is run from cli in a
fresh source tree. Additionally a needed file, GNUmakefile.in does not get
created which is the reason that pseudo Makefile kicks in asking if you
want it to run autoheader/autoconf/configure.
The only work around I have found at this point is rearranging the BUILD
in this fashion and yes, autoheader is outside the ();
autoheader &&
add_priv_user privoxy:privoxy &&
OPTS="--with-user=privoxy --with-group=privoxy --sysconfdir=/etc/privoxy
--disable-toggle --disable-editor --disable-force"
autoconf &&
) > $C_FIFO 2>&1
I don't like that fix but it is the only solution I have found at this
point and Ratler agrees this is an oddball thing.
Since the thing is falling down at making the correct configure script
(and I don't think it has anything to do with us) and running autoheader
outside the function just fixes that. I'm sorta ok with this as a commit.
If something was needed outside the function to do the make install then I
can see that as a big no.
I am all ears for another solution.
dveatch - 11-16-07 01:50
After much gerfinkerpokin in /var/lib/lunar/functions and trying other
things, looking at diffs between a lin with just autoheaders was still
coming up with goose eggs. As a last ditch and taking a cue from my prior
post I have found the "add_priv_user privoxy:privoxy &&" line is hosing
it up.
You can test this yourself by putting autoheader between that and the OPTS
line and barfs it does. However, if you move autoheader before the
add_priv_user line all is nirvana.
I did look at the add_priv_user function but nothing jumped out at me so
there could be some logic flaw in there but dunno.
BTAIM what I will commit to moonbase is this;
#The two autotools jokers NEED to be run first.
autoheader &&
autoconf &&
add_priv_user privoxy:privoxy &&
OPTS="--with-user=privoxy --with-group=privoxy --sysconfdir=/etc/privoxy
--disable-toggle --disable-editor --disable-force"
) > $C_FIFO 2>&1
dveatch - 11-16-07 01:52
This has been fixed in moonbase.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
09-09-07 10:00 blokkie New Issue
09-09-07 10:00 blokkie Moonbase Version => 2007MMDD.NN (I'm an
idiot and didn't edit this field.)
09-09-07 10:00 blokkie Core Tools => Lunar
09-09-07 10:00 blokkie Core Tools Version => 2007MMDD (I'm an
idiot and didn't edit this field.)
11-15-07 11:54 dveatch Status new => assigned
11-15-07 11:54 dveatch Assigned To => dveatch
11-15-07 15:32 dveatch Note Added: 0000695
11-15-07 15:35 dveatch Note Edited: 0000695
11-15-07 15:44 dveatch Note Edited: 0000695
11-16-07 01:50 dveatch Note Added: 0000696
11-16-07 01:52 dveatch Status assigned => resolved
11-16-07 01:52 dveatch Resolution open => fixed
11-16-07 01:52 dveatch Note Added: 0000697
02-28-08 08:07 ratler Status resolved => closed
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