[Lunar-bugs] [Lunar Linux 0000151]: dbus-1.0.1 fails to create /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
Lunar bug reports list
lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Tue Mar 6 05:13:44 CET 2007
The following issue has been CLOSED
Reported By: tchan
Assigned To: Moe
Project: Lunar Linux
Issue ID: 151
Category: module
Reproducibility: always
Severity: block
Priority: normal
Status: closed
Moonbase Version: 2006MMDD.NN
Core Tools: Lunar
Core Tools Version: 2006MMDD
Resolution: fixed
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 11-28-2006 04:34 CET
Last Modified: 03-06-2007 05:13 CET
Summary: dbus-1.0.1 fails to create /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
According to the dbus docs, specifically NEWS, the init script for dbus,
namely /etc/init.d/messagebus is supposed to ensure the creation of a
valid machine-id file in /var/lib/dbus. The current init script for the
dbus module does NOT do this vital function. See the generated messagebus
init script from the dbus tarball (look in the file bus/messagebus.in) I
added a call to POST_BUILD to ensure at least one time a valid
/var/lib/dbus/machine-id file is created, but someone who is more familar
with dbus needs to modifiy the init script to reflect the code that is
present in bus/messagebus.in as a good starting example.
tchan - 11-28-06 05:23
I attempted to update the init.d/messagebus script to invoke dbus-uuidgen
--ensure as required by the dbus docs. Someone who understands dbus and
lsb/init-functions better can make the necessary corrections to the dbus
module in moonbase
sofar - 02-17-07 21:11
Moe, wasn't this fixed?
Moe - 03-05-07 14:42
I'm marking this fixed. The init script covers this issue pretty good.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
11-28-06 04:34 tchan New Issue
11-28-06 04:34 tchan Moonbase Version => 2006MMDD.NN
11-28-06 04:34 tchan Core Tools => Lunar
11-28-06 04:34 tchan Core Tools Version => 2006MMDD
11-28-06 05:23 tchan Note Added: 0000312
02-17-07 21:11 sofar Note Added: 0000358
02-17-07 21:11 sofar Assigned To => Moe
02-17-07 21:11 sofar Status new => feedback
02-17-07 21:11 sofar Resolution open => fixed
02-17-07 21:11 sofar Status feedback => assigned
03-05-07 14:42 Moe Status assigned => resolved
03-05-07 14:42 Moe Note Added: 0000385
03-06-07 05:13 sofar Status resolved => closed
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