[Lunar-bugs] [Lunar Linux 0000148]: lin --opts not passing options on to configure script
Lunar bug reports list
lunar-bugs at lunar-linux.org
Fri Dec 1 01:47:53 CET 2006
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: d3bug
Assigned To:
Project: Lunar Linux
Issue ID: 148
Category: module
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: resolved
Moonbase Version: 20061121.??
Core Tools: Lunar
Core Tools Version: 20061121
Resolution: open
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 11-23-2006 03:02 CET
Last Modified: 12-01-2006 01:47 CET
Summary: lin --opts not passing options on to configure
when lining modules with the following format:
lin --opts '[extra config options]' {modulename}
lin does not pass the extra config options on to the configure script... I
have been able to duplicate this all the time... when using lin -d to see
exactly what is passed, it sets the environment variables, etc, however,
the options never actually get passed to configure.
System: Athlon64, 2GB RAM, installed, and rebuilt per lfirsttime manpage,
ISO 1.6.0[final, not RC#] ISO base
sofar - 11-24-06 19:40
This is a bug in the MODULE, not in the CORE CODE.
the gtk+ module is old and unmaintained, and needs to be rewritten. Please
file bugs in the appropriate category, and attempt to validate bugs against
different modules before saying things like "lin does not pass the extra
config options on to the configure script", which is obviously wrong in
this case - it's the modules' BUILD script that is screwed up. Everything
else works the way that it should :P
d3bug - 12-01-06 00:43
I thought I did file it in the right place because the symptom was that it
is not passing the options line to the configure script. Even doing a lin
-d --opts="--with-gtk-prefix" [module] reveals it is not passing the
option, which is why I posted it as a block... it blocks linning other
modules because none of them find gtk+, should it maybe not be prefixed
with /usr in the BUILD script for gtk+ ? Could that be why nothing seems
to see it?
sofar - 12-01-06 01:47
fixed in moonbase, update your moonbase and attempt again to pass options
to `lin gtk+`.
BTW I have no clue why you want to pass extra options to gtk+. Perhaps you
want to change MODULE_PREFIX? perhaps you should do so in the DETAILS by
adding MODULE_PREFIX=/some/where/here to it in a zlocal copy of gtk+.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
11-23-06 03:02 d3bug New Issue
11-23-06 03:02 d3bug Status new => assigned
11-23-06 03:02 d3bug Assigned To => sofar
11-23-06 03:02 d3bug Moonbase Version => 20061121.??
11-23-06 03:02 d3bug Core Tools => Lunar
11-23-06 03:02 d3bug Core Tools Version => 20061121
11-24-06 19:40 sofar Note Added: 0000311
11-24-06 19:40 sofar Assigned To sofar =>
11-24-06 19:40 sofar Severity block => minor
11-24-06 19:40 sofar Status assigned => new
11-24-06 19:40 sofar Category ISO => module
12-01-06 00:41 d3bug Note Added: 0000313
12-01-06 00:42 d3bug Note Edited: 0000313
12-01-06 00:43 d3bug Note Edited: 0000313
12-01-06 01:46 sofar Status new => resolved
12-01-06 01:47 sofar Note Added: 0000314
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