[Lunar-bugs] [bug] openoffice-src

sofar maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Thu Sep 30 12:20:52 UTC 2004

 Project:      lunar-linux
 Version:      <none>
 Component:    moonbase (modules)
 Category:     bug reports
-Priority:     normal
+Priority:     minor
 Assigned to:  
 Reported by:  dveatch
 Updated by:   sofar
-Status:       active
+Status:       by design

quote the module:

"depends Linux-PAM"

it's also in zbeta. feel free to submit a patch regarding this if it
works without linux-PAM as well but please test it yourself first.


Previous comments:

Thu, 09/30/2004 - 11:18 : dveatch

When doing a lin or "lin -r -c" of openoffice-src you are not given the
choice of using PAM as a dependency, it automatically chooses to lin

View: http://lunar-linux.org/?q=node/view/472
Edit: http://lunar-linux.org/?q=project/comments/add/472

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