[Lunar-bugs] [bug] odd permissions on certain files...

sofar maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Sun Sep 26 15:21:30 UTC 2004

 Project:      lunar-linux
 Version:      <none>
 Component:    moonbase (modules)
 Category:     bug reports
 Priority:     normal
-Assigned to:  
+Assigned to:  sofar
 Reported by:  v3rt1g0
 Updated by:   sofar
 Status:       active

these are coming from the original tarballs. We might have to pass
filter options to tar to prevent this. This would seem logical at this
point and the preferred fix as well to prevent this at all times.


Previous comments:

Sun, 09/12/2004 - 01:14 : v3rt1g0

doing a 'find / \( -perm -02000 -o -perm -04000 \) -ls' on my system
turned up a few strange hits.  For those of you that do not know what
that command does, it bring back a list of all files that are setuserid
and/or setgroupid).  The sXids that caught my eye were...

(note: output was cleaned up for readability)
drwxrwsrwx  root:root Oct 15  2003 /usr/share/doc/ntp/conf
drwxr-sr-x  root:root Aug  4 09:56 /usr/share/doc/firefox/README
drwxr-sr-x  root:root Aug  4 09:56 /usr/share/doc/firefox/README/CVS
drwxr-sr-x  root:root Aug  4 09:47
drwxr-sr-x  root:root Aug  4 09:47
drwxr-sr-x  root:root Aug 21 19:53 /usr/share/doc/cdrtools/doc

Can anyone else confirm these modules install the aforementioned files
as sXids?  Does anyone know why they are like that?  Should they be?  I
would assume not, but there are always people that know something I do
not :)

There were a host of others too, but I assume they all have legitimate
reasons (passwd, ping, (u)mount, mail, write, et al)


Sun, 09/12/2004 - 14:03 : sofar

confirmed... all sorts of strange stuff in /usr/share/doc going on!

View: http://lunar-linux.org/?q=node/view/433
Edit: http://lunar-linux.org/?q=project/comments/add/433

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