[Lunar-bugs] [task] website->search

sofar maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Wed Sep 8 13:39:15 UTC 2004

 Project:      lunar-linux
 Version:      <none>
 Component:    web site
 Category:     tasks
 Priority:     minor
-Assigned to:  
+Assigned to:  sofar
 Reported by:  v3rt1g0
 Updated by:   sofar
-Status:       active
+Status:       closed

* assigning to myself.
* thought this was a script error until I realize that the regenerated
index file on disc is referred by through cvs.module with its path
(which changed in the move)
* corrected path


Previous comments:

Wed, 09/08/2004 - 12:43 : v3rt1g0

Our website's search feature does not seem to search for modules
anymore.  I used to be able to type in a module name (full or partial)
and it would list modules that it matched.  Maybe something that was
lost in the transfer?

View: http://lunar-linux.org/?q=node/view/425
Edit: http://lunar-linux.org/?q=project/comments/add/425

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