weekly news - 20250207

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Feb 7 12:35:26 CET 2025


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New versions: (42)
  blueman                 :           2.4.3 ->           2.4.4
  cpp-utilities           :          5.27.2 ->          5.27.3
  cri-o                   :          1.32.0 ->          1.32.1
  dosbox-x                :      2025.01.01 ->      2025.02.01
  e2fsprogs               :          1.47.1 ->          1.47.2
  exfatprogs              :           1.2.6 ->           1.2.7
  firefox                 :         134.0.2 ->           135.0
  firefox-bin             :         134.0.2 ->           135.0
  fzf                     :          0.58.0 ->          0.59.0
  gdb                     :            16.1 ->            16.2
  gh                      :          2.66.0 ->          2.66.1
  grafana                 :          10.2.3 ->          11.5.1
  grpc                    :          1.70.0 ->          1.70.1
  hwdata                  :           0.391 ->           0.392
  Image-ExifTool          :           13.17 ->           13.18
  kitty                   :          0.39.0 ->          0.39.1
  libcap                  :            2.71 ->            2.73
  libindi                 :           2.1.1 ->           2.1.2
  libjcat                 :           0.2.2 ->           0.2.3
  libphonenumber          :         8.13.53 ->         8.13.54
  liburing                :             2.8 ->             2.9
  libvisual               :           0.4.0 ->           0.4.1
  libX11                  :          1.8.10 ->          1.8.11
  libxfce4windowing       :          4.20.0 ->          4.20.2
  libxkbcommon            :           1.7.0 ->           1.8.0
  linux                   :         6.12.10 ->          6.13.1
  linux-lts               :          6.6.73 ->         6.12.12
  meson                   :           1.6.1 ->           1.7.0
  noto-fonts              :      2025.01.01 ->      2025.02.01
  python-numpy            :           2.0.1 ->           2.2.2
  semver                  :           7.6.3 ->           7.7.1
  simdutf                 :           6.1.2 ->           6.2.0
  spdlog                  :          1.15.0 ->          1.15.1
  strace                  :            6.12 ->            6.13
  stress-ng               :         0.18.09 ->         0.18.10
  tig                     :          2.5.10 ->          2.5.11
  tree-sitter             :          0.24.7 ->          0.25.1
  ugrep                   :           7.2.1 ->           7.2.2
  xfce4-panel             :          4.20.0 ->          4.20.3
  xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin:           2.8.4 ->           2.9.0
  xhost                   :           1.0.9 ->          1.0.10
  xwallpaper              :           0.7.5 ->           0.7.6


The Lunar-Linux team

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