weekly news - 20240524

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri May 24 12:35:24 CEST 2024


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New versions: (21)
  bluez-5                 :            5.75 ->            5.76
  cjson                   :          1.7.17 ->          1.7.18
  cmake                   :          3.29.1 ->          3.29.2
  cryptopp                :           8.8.0 ->           8.9.0
  CUDA-OpenCL-headers     :      2023.04.17 ->      2024.05.08
  gdal                    :           3.8.4 ->           3.9.0
  glslang                 :          14.1.0 ->          14.2.0
  grub2                   :            2.06 ->            2.12
  keepassxc               :           2.7.7 ->           2.7.8
  libatomic_ops           :           7.8.0 ->           7.8.2
  libcap                  :            2.69 ->            2.70
  libgit2                 :           1.7.2 ->           1.8.1
  libjpeg-turbo           :           3.0.2 ->           3.0.3
  luajit                  :           2.0.5 ->             2.1
  neovim                  :           0.9.5 ->          0.10.0
  ninja                   :          1.11.1 ->          1.12.0
  node                    :          21.7.3 ->          22.2.0
  redis                   :           7.2.4 ->           7.2.5
  spirv-tools             :      2024.1.rc1 ->
  tree-sitter             :          0.20.8 ->          0.22.6
  umockdev                :         0.17.18 ->          0.18.1


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