weekly news - 20240726

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Jul 26 12:35:26 CEST 2024


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (6)
     blosc2-2.15.0: A blocking, shuffling and loss-less compression library
      cmocka-1.1.7: unit testing framework for C
  extractpdfmark-1.1.1: extract page mode and named destinations as PDFmark from PDF
  mongo-c-driver-1.27.4: client library written in C for MongoDB
  python-jsonschema-specifications-2023.12.1: JSON support files from the JSON Schema Specifications
    rpds-py-0.19.0: Python bindings to the Rust rpds crate for persistent data struct

New versions: (77)
  abseil-cpp              :      20240116.0 ->      20240116.2
  asciidoc                :          10.2.0 ->          10.2.1
  assimp                  :           5.4.0 ->           5.4.2
  astrometry              :            0.94 ->            0.95
  atomicparsley           :        20221229 ->        20240608
  blosc                   :          1.21.5 ->          1.21.6
  boost                   :          1.83.0 ->          1.85.0
  brave-bin               :        1.67.134 ->        1.68.128
  bubblewrap              :           0.8.0 ->           0.9.0
  darktable               :           4.8.0 ->           4.8.1
  embree                  :           4.3.2 ->           4.3.3
  enet                    :          1.3.17 ->          1.3.18
  erlang                  :          26.2.5 ->          27.0.1
  firefox                 :           128.0 ->         128.0.2
  flashrom                :           1.3.0 ->           1.4.0
  fmt                     :          11.0.1 ->          11.0.2
  freetds                 :          1.4.20 ->          1.4.22
  gdb                     :            14.2 ->            15.1
  geos                    :          3.12.1 ->          3.12.2
  ghostscript             :         10.03.0 ->         10.03.1
  glad                    :           2.0.4 ->           2.0.6
  glib-networking         :          2.70.1 ->          2.80.0
  httpd                   :          2.4.61 ->          2.4.62
  iwd                     :            2.18 ->            2.19
  jitterentropy           :           3.4.1 ->           3.5.0
  kdevelop-pg-qt          :           2.2.2 ->           2.3.0
  kirigami-addons         :           1.3.0 ->           1.4.0
  libde265                :          1.0.12 ->          1.0.15
  libebml                 :           1.4.4 ->           1.4.5
  libgeotiff              :           1.7.1 ->           1.7.3
  libostree               :          2024.5 ->          2024.7
  libplacebo              :         6.338.2 ->         7.349.0
  libproxy                :           0.5.5 ->           0.5.8
  libupnp                 :         1.14.18 ->         1.14.19
  libva                   :          2.20.0 ->          2.22.0
  libvpx                  :          1.14.0 ->          1.14.1
  lilypond                :          2.24.3 ->          2.24.4
  linux                   :           6.8.6 ->           6.9.8
  mesa-lib                :          24.1.3 ->          24.1.4
  mkvtoolnix              :            85.0 ->            86.0
  mupdf                   :          1.24.6 ->          1.24.7
  node                    :          22.4.1 ->          22.5.1
  nv-codec-headers        : ->
  oath-toolkit            :           2.6.9 ->          2.6.11
  opensc                  :          0.23.0 ->          0.25.1
  pango                   :          1.52.1 ->          1.54.0
  partclone               :          0.3.27 ->          0.3.32
  poppler                 :         24.06.1 ->         24.07.0
  publicsuffix-list       : 20230810.e44179c -> 20240306.1440.9094af5
  PyQt5_sip               :         12.11.0 ->         12.15.0
  pyqt6                   :           6.7.0 ->           6.7.1
  PyQt-builder            :          1.16.3 ->          1.16.4
  python-hypothesis       :         6.98.17 ->         6.108.4
  python-jsonschema       :          4.19.2 ->          4.23.0
  python-markdown         :           3.5.2 ->             3.6
  python-pygobject        :          3.46.0 ->          3.48.2
  python-referencing      :          0.33.0 ->          0.35.1
  python-requests         :          2.31.0 ->          2.32.2
  python-sip              :           6.8.5 ->           6.8.6
  qemu                    :           9.0.1 ->           9.0.2
  qt-creator              :          13.0.2 ->          14.0.0
  R                       :           4.4.0 ->           4.4.1
  rebar3                  :          3.22.1 ->          3.23.0
  rkward                  :           0.7.5 ->           0.8.0
  rng-tools               :            6.16 ->            6.17
  ruby                    :           3.3.0 ->           3.3.4
  samba                   :          4.20.1 ->          4.20.2
  scribus                 :           1.5.8 ->           1.6.2
  texlive                 : 20240311-source -> 20240312-source
  texlive-texmf           :        20230313 ->        20240312
  thunderbird             :        115.12.2 ->        115.13.0
  unison                  :          2.53.3 ->          2.53.5
  v4l-utils               :          1.26.1 ->          1.28.0
  vimiv-qt                :           0.8.0 ->           0.9.0
  xmlsec1                 :           1.3.4 ->           1.3.5
  yaz                     :          5.34.0 ->          5.34.1
  you-get                 :        0.4.1650 ->        0.4.1718


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