weekly news - 20231103

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Nov 3 12:35:25 CET 2023


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (7)
        fmt-10.1.1: open-source formatting library
   libdispatch-5.8: support for concurrent code execution on multicore
  libdisplay-info-0.1.1: EDID and DisplayID libarary
  python-referencing-0.30.2: agnostic JSON reference resolution
  python-rpds-1.7.1: python based data storage format
   rapidjson-1.1.0: A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API
      yarn-1.22.19: fast reliable and secure dependency management

New versions: (84)
  alabaster               :          0.7.12 ->          0.7.13
  alacritty               :          0.10.1 ->          0.12.3
  ansible                 :           8.2.0 ->           8.5.0
  ansible-core            :          2.15.2 ->          2.15.5
  ansible-lint            :          6.10.2 ->          6.21.1
  armadillo               :          12.6.4 ->          12.6.5
  broot                   :          1.24.2 ->          1.27.0
  buildbot                :           3.9.0 ->           3.9.2
  c-ares                  :          1.19.1 ->          1.21.0
  cargo-c                 :          0.9.26 ->          0.9.27
  cloog                   :          0.20.0 ->          0.21.1
  conky                   :          1.19.4 ->          1.19.6
  cython                  :         0.29.34 ->           3.0.5
  darktable               :           4.2.1 ->           4.4.2
  deadbeef                :           1.8.7 ->           1.9.5
  ebtables                :       v2.0.10-4 ->          2.0.11
  egl-wayland             :          1.1.12 ->          1.1.13
  enigma                  :            1.21 ->            1.30
  fd                      :           8.4.0 ->           8.7.1
  fife                    :           0.4.1 ->           0.4.2
  freetds                 :          1.3.18 ->           1.4.6
  gajim                   :           1.6.1 ->           1.8.2
  geeqie                  :           2.0.1 ->             2.1
  gtk+-3                  :           24.36 ->         3.24.37
  haruna                  :          0.12.1 ->          0.12.2
  ipython                 :          8.12.0 ->          8.17.2
  jenkins                 :           2.393 ->         2.414.3
  json-glib               :           1.6.6 ->           1.8.0
  kquickimageeditor       :           0.2.0 ->           0.3.0
  krita                   :           5.1.5 ->           5.2.1
  libavif                 :          0.11.1 ->           1.0.1
  libglvnd                :           1.6.0 ->           1.7.0
  libgphoto2              :          2.5.30 ->          2.5.31
  libqaccessibilityclient :           0.4.1 ->           0.5.0
  live555                 :      2023.07.24 ->      2023.10.30
  lttng-modules           :          2.13.9 ->         2.13.10
  lzma-sdk                :             922 ->            2301
  mandown                 :             0.3 ->           1.0.4
  nethogs                 :           0.8.6 ->           0.8.7
  node                    :          20.8.1 ->          20.9.0
  npm                     :           9.7.1 ->          10.2.2
  ocl-icd                 :           2.3.2 ->      2023.04.17
  phonon                  :          4.11.1 ->          4.12.0
  phonon-backend-vlc      :          0.11.3 ->          0.12.0
  protobuf                :           21.12 ->            24.4
  python-apipkg           :           3.0.1 ->           3.0.2
  python-async-timeout    :           4.0.2 ->           4.0.3
  python-cffi             :          1.15.1 ->          1.16.0
  python-hatch-vcs        :           0.2.0 ->           0.3.0
  python-jedi             :          0.18.2 ->          0.19.1
  python-jsonschema       :          4.18.4 ->          4.19.2
  python-lxml             :           4.9.2 ->           4.9.3
  python-ly               :           0.9.7 ->           0.9.8
  python-markdown         :           3.4.4 ->             3.5
  python-numpy            :          1.24.0 ->          1.26.0
  python-owslib           :          0.29.1 ->          0.29.2
  python-pillow           :           9.5.0 ->          10.0.1
  python-pip              :          23.2.1 ->          23.3.1
  python-pluggy           :           1.2.0 ->           1.3.0
  python-pycryptodome     :          3.16.0 ->          3.19.0
  python-pyopenssl        :          22.1.0 ->          23.3.0
  python-pyproj           :           3.6.0 ->           3.6.1
  python-pytest           :           7.4.0 ->           7.4.3
  python-pytest-runner    :           5.3.2 ->           6.0.0
  python-pyzstd           :          0.15.3 ->          0.15.9
  python-requests         :          2.28.2 ->          2.31.0
  python-ruamel.yaml      :         0.17.21 ->          0.18.2
  python-setuptools       :          68.0.0 ->          68.2.2
  python-setuptools-rust  :           1.8.0 ->           1.8.1
  python-setuptools-scm   :           7.1.0 ->           8.0.4
  python-sip              :          6.7.11 ->          6.7.12
  python-typing-extensions:           4.4.0 ->           4.8.0
  shellcaster             :           0.8.2 ->           2.0.1
  strace                  :             6.5 ->             6.6
  SuiteSparse             :           7.1.0 ->           7.3.0
  swaybg                  :           1.1.1 ->           1.2.0
  swayidle                :           1.7.1 ->           1.8.0
  swaylock                :             1.6 ->           1.7.2
  swayshot                :           2.6.1 ->           2.7.3
  tpm2-tss                :           3.0.3 ->           4.0.1
  upx                     :           4.1.0 ->           4.2.0
  VirtualBox              :           7.0.8 ->          7.0.12
  virtualbox-module       :           7.0.6 ->          7.0.12
  vlc                     :          3.0.19 ->          3.0.20

Moved modules:
  libqaccessibilityclient :      kde/crater ->        kde/libs


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