weekly news - 20230120

maintainer at lunar-linux.org maintainer at lunar-linux.org
Fri Jan 20 12:35:26 CET 2023


Here's the latest weekly news edition!



New modules: (2)
  qt6-httpserver-6.4.2: C++ classes that provide HTTP server framework
  qt6-speech-6.4.2: Qt speech support

Removed modules: (4)

New versions: (190)
  attica                  :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  baloo                   :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  bluez-qt                :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  bochs                   :           2.6.9 ->             2.7
  brave-bin               :        1.46.144 ->        1.47.171
  breeze-icons            :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  chuck                   : ->
  embree                  :          3.13.4 ->          3.13.5
  extra-cmake-modules     :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  firefox                 :         108.0.2 ->           109.0
  frameworkintegration    :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  fstobdf                 :           1.0.6 ->           1.0.7
  fuse-3                  :            11.0 ->            13.0
  gajim                   :           1.6.0 ->           1.6.1
  GraphicsMagick          :          1.3.39 ->          1.3.40
  ico                     :           1.0.5 ->           1.0.6
  imake                   :           1.0.8 ->           1.0.9
  kactivities             :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kactivities-stats       :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kapidox                 :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  karchive                :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kauth                   :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kbookmarks              :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kcalendarcore           :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kcmutils                :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kcodecs                 :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kcompletion             :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kconfig                 :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kconfigwidgets          :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kcontacts               :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kcoreaddons             :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kcrash                  :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kdav                    :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kdbusaddons             :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kdeclarative            :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kded                    :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kdelibs4support         :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kdesignerplugin         :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kdesu                   :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kdewebkit               :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kdnssd                  :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kdoctools               :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kemoticons              :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kf5                     :           5.101 ->           5.102
  kfilemetadata           :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kglobalaccel            :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kguiaddons              :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kholidays               :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  khtml                   :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  ki18n                   :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kiconthemes             :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kidletime               :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kimageformats           :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kinit                   :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kio                     :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kirigami2               :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kitemmodels             :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kitemviews              :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kjobwidgets             :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kjs                     :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kjsembed                :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kmediaplayer            :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  knewstuff               :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  knotifications          :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  knotifyconfig           :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kpackage                :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kparts                  :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kpeople                 :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kplotting               :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kpty                    :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kquickcharts            :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kross                   :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  krunner                 :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kservice                :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  ktexteditor             :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  ktextwidgets            :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kunitconversion         :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kwallet                 :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kwayland                :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kwidgetsaddons          :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kwindowsystem           :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kxmlgui                 :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  kxmlrpcclient           :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  libdrm                  :         2.4.113 ->         2.4.114
  libevdev                :          1.12.1 ->          1.13.0
  libfontenc              :           1.1.4 ->           1.1.6
  libFS                   :           1.0.7 ->           1.0.9
  libglvnd                :           1.4.0 ->           1.6.0
  libinput                :          1.19.3 ->          1.19.4
  libXau                  :           1.0.9 ->          1.0.10
  libXres                 :           1.2.0 ->           1.2.1
  libxshmfence            :             1.3 ->           1.3.1
  libXt                   :           1.2.0 ->           1.2.1
  libXTrap                :           1.0.0 ->           1.0.1
  libXxf86dga             :           1.1.4 ->           1.1.5
  libXxf86misc            :           1.0.3 ->           1.0.4
  listres                 :           1.0.3 ->           1.0.5
  makedepend              :           1.0.6 ->           1.0.7
  mesa-lib                :          21.3.6 ->          22.3.2
  modemmanager-qt         :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  mtdev                   :           1.1.5 ->           1.1.6
  networkmanager-qt       :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  oxygen-icons5           :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  php                     :           8.2.0 ->           8.2.1
  pixman                  :          0.40.0 ->          0.42.2
  plasma-framework        :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  plasma-wayland-protocols:           1.9.0 ->            1.10
  prison                  :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  purpose                 :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  python2-ipy             :            0.83 ->            1.01
  python2-xcffib          :           0.6.0 ->          0.11.1
  python-importlib-metadata:           5.2.0 ->           6.0.0
  python-iniconfig        :           1.1.1 ->           2.0.0
  python-packaging        :            21.3 ->            23.0
  python-xcffib           :           0.6.0 ->          0.11.1
  qqc2-desktop-style      :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  qt6-5compat             :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-base                :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-charts              :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-connectivity        :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-datavis3d           :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-declarative         :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-imageformats        :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-languageserver      :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-lottie              :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-multimedia          :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-networkauth         :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-positioning         :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-profile             :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-quick3d             :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-quick3dphysics      :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-quicktimeline       :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-remoteobjects       :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-scxml               :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-sensors             :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-serialbus           :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-serialport          :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-shadertools         :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-svg                 :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-tools               :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-translations        :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-wayland             :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-webchannel          :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-webengine           :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-websockets          :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt6-webview             :           6.4.1 ->           6.4.2
  qt-creator              : opensource-src-5.0.3 ->           9.0.1
  rgb                     :           1.0.6 ->           1.1.0
  rstart                  :           1.0.5 ->           1.0.6
  sessreg                 :           1.1.2 ->           1.1.3
  showfont                :           1.0.5 ->           1.0.6
  solid                   :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  sonnet                  :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  spdlog                  :          1.10.0 ->          1.11.0
  SPIRV-Tools             :          2020.3 ->          2022.3
  syndication             :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  syntax-highlighting     :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  tcpdump                 :          4.99.1 ->          4.99.3
  threadweaver            :         5.101.0 ->         5.102.0
  xclipboard              :           1.1.3 ->           1.1.4
  xconsole                :           1.0.7 ->           1.0.8
  xdg-user-dirs           :            0.17 ->            0.18
  xf86-input-synaptics    :           1.9.1 ->           1.9.2
  xf86-input-wacom        :          0.40.0 ->           1.1.0
  xf86-video-cirrus       :           1.5.3 ->           1.6.0
  xf86-video-mach64       :           6.9.6 ->           6.9.7
  xf86-video-mga          :           2.0.0 ->           2.0.1
  xf86-video-nv           :          2.1.21 ->          2.1.22
  xfontsel                :           1.0.6 ->           1.1.0
  xfs                     :           1.2.0 ->           1.2.1
  xfsinfo                 :           1.0.5 ->           1.0.6
  xkbcomp                 :           1.4.5 ->           1.4.6
  xkbutils                :           1.0.4 ->           1.0.5
  xkill                   :           1.0.5 ->           1.0.6
  xlsclients              :           1.1.3 ->           1.1.4
  xmag                    :           1.0.6 ->           1.0.7
  xmh                     :           1.0.3 ->           1.0.4
  XOrg7                   :         X11R7.4 ->         X11R7.7
  xorgproto               :          2021.5 ->          2022.2
  xpr                     :           1.0.5 ->           1.1.0
  xrandr                  :           1.5.1 ->           1.5.2
  xrefresh                :           1.0.6 ->           1.0.7
  xscreensaver            :            6.01 ->            6.06
  xset                    :           1.2.4 ->           1.2.5
  xsetroot                :           1.1.2 ->           1.1.3
  xsm                     :           1.0.4 ->           1.0.5
  xterm                   :             371 ->             375
  xwud                    :           1.0.4 ->           1.0.6
  zfs                     :           2.1.5 ->           2.1.7
  zfs-utils               :           2.1.5 ->           2.1.7


The Lunar-Linux team

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